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Megan's November 2000 Entries


Hello. I don't have a long time, so I will make this as short as possible. I am getting over Wild Dude, and I am not quite sure about Spinny Ring. I think I like him a lot, but just not sure. OH! I watched American Beauty the other day, it is like the best movie, well next to Cruel Intentions and Dirty Dancing. I would have to say those are the best movies I have seen in a long time. I don't think there is anything other than I am going to PA for Thanksgiving. I am so excited!! I get to see my family and all the great people up there. OK, well I have to go, talk to you guys later!!



Hey, I am alive! Sorry I have not written in like 2 or 3 weeks, but I have a really good excuse. What am I saying, no I don't! I have just been pretty busy. I have a lot of news, but I won't go into heavy detail. We got superior ratings in both band competitions, and first place in our class in both. Umm, my Marg Simpson costume went off great at Haunted Hallways. Let's see, I have a few crushes, Spinny Ring (for those of you who know me, you have to know who this one is), wild dude, and obviously Mr. T. I really don't think that I could say that one is my fave over the other, they are all pretty great. What else, I finally got to switch instruments to bass clarinet! I am so happy that it passed up funny a long time ago. Oh, I almost forgot the important thing, our football team at school got to the second round playoffs and lost 42-0. It was so funny!! I was cracking up! At least we don't have to march anymore this year, but I know that I will miss it. OK, well, I am going to be on my way for now, I promise that I will be back!! I just can't promise when, haha! TTFN!


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