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Megan's November Entries


Wow! It is the first of the month! You know what? I don't like my English, Biology, or Keyboarding class. They are like either really boring or the teachers get on my nerves. I won't mention any names or anything because there went my GPA. I have some news on Alex. He got his hair cut. I think that it looks good and all but he looks about 10 years old. Of course I would tell him that to his face, but I don't want to crush his dreams. Since I know that Haley is going to come here and visit me I am going to say hi to her. HI HALEY!!! I also want to say hi to my Aunt Chris and tell her congrats on her new addition to the family. I don't have any other news that is coming to me. Know what! Only 2 months till 2000!! I have to go now! Bubye!



Hey everybody! Guess what I have decided to give up? I am going to try to get over Alex. It might be hard, but I think that I can handle it. I don't have anything other than that to write about. I guess I will add more later!! Bubye!



Hey guys and gals how is your life going? Well, mine is alright. I found out today that I completely suck at the clarinet. I can't play that thing for anything. I used to be so good, but I guess since today was just the first day of concert season, I will get better. I hate sitting where I sit, though. I am last chair, 3rd clarinet music. For those of you that are not in band, that is a REALLY BAD thing. I better get moved up or forget this! OK, now that I am done complaning about that, I will move on to something else. Wait, there is nothing else. Since I dn't have anything else to complain about, I will go. I hope you all have a lovely day!



Wow it is like only 50 days until 2000 is here. That is just creepy! I want everyone that comes here to sign the guestbook that I so kindly added to this site all by myself. I think that I finally got it to work. I signed it so everyone else would. I hope you all follow in my footsteps. Hehe, yea, right! Oh well, I really do want you to sign it though. I need all of the viewers of this site to tell other people, maybe friends or family, about this site. I need all the publicity I can get. Guess what! This is like the greatest thing! I think that I am over Alex! I tried to get over him, because it was getting out of hand, and now I am over him. I don't think there is anything else, but that I am doing OK playing my clarinet. Not as good as I wanted, but pretty good. That is all I have to say for now! Bubye!



Hey guess what! I have a new crush! Ahh, here we go again. This is the first time I have publically announced it. Should I tell you who it is? I guess you all deserve to know, his name is Alan. That is all I am giving you. I don't think he knows, so Haley, you are not going to tell him! I know Kavitha's opinion on him, but she can just have her opinions. She doesn't like him. My mom isn't going to let me switch instruments, so I am stuck with the clarinet. I guess I can make the most of it. I don't have anymore news, so I will let you get back to your lives! Have a wonderful day!



Hey guys!! What is up in your lives? I am sick, and tomorrow I have to sit in a car for about 10 hours. That will suck really bad. I can't wait to get to PA though. I have some love-life news for you. I am over Alan. I don't know who I like so you are stuck with nothing juicy for a while. I have to go for now, but I hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving!!!


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