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Megan's October 2000 Entries


Hey Ryan, I am updating. What a concept...haha. It sure has been a while since I have let you people in on my life. Well, a ton of stuff has happened. I LOVE THE FATTY CHIPMUNKS!! We had a band competition on Saturday, the band got straight superior ratings, the drum line got superior ratings, the drum majors got superior ratings, and the most important of all, the COLORGUARD got superior ratings. We all got best in our class and first place in our class. That was the happiest night of my life! I really didn't think that we would get ones at competition, but we did! Let's see, I have a chemistry quiz tomorrow that I should study for, but I won't. I know there is something else. Oh, yea, I called into the radio morning show the other day because they were doing, 'What are you going to be for Halloween?'. I figured that it is not every day that you see a Marg Simpson walking the streets, so that's why I called. I got through on the first time and I told the dude that I was gonna be Marg. He asked how I was going to pull that off, and I told him (it's a secret though). After that he asked if I had a Homer to go with me, I told him no, that I couldn't find one, he offered to help me out by broadcasting it on the radio, but I said it was OK. A few songs later they played my phonecall, and started to crack on me, it was really funny though. I slipped up when I told him how I was gonna hold my hair up, so they had a hay day with that. OK, one more story and I will shut up. Wait, I can't tell you that story yet, check back in a few days, and I should have it up with all the details. For now, Peace Out!!



HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!! OK, I just had to do that. I don't really have any news. I am so bored right now!! I have two tests that I could be studying for, but guess what! I don't want to study, I want to sit here and talk to you people!! Haha, just kidding, I could think of better places to be, but I can't be there now, so here is the next best place. Oh, I love a few songs! Here's a list: This I Promise You (*NSync), I Believe In You (*NSync & Joe), Baby I Would (O-Town), Bitter-Sweet Symphony (The Verve), and Wonderful (i forgot). Don't we all just love those songs?? *everybody nodded their heads* Haha, I love you guys! I don't have much more to say, I guess I will talk to you later!!



OK, I know you all are wondering about the Mr. T situation... There are no new developments that I can mention at this moment. I swear, I am kinda on Cloud 9 right now, so I can't really think too straight. I am like downloading Napster right now. I figured I had better get as much as I could before they shut it down. Haha, they will probably come and take me away for that one, but who knows! I had to babysit today, that really sucked. I really don't like to sit for those people, they are monsters!! Anyway, I had to finish up some homework while I was there...17 discussion and study questions for my H. English 2 class. We didn't have school today if you are wondering. I skipped dance today, I don't really know why, I just didn't want to go. I probably missed tons, but I don't care, I needed a break! I am so worn out, and I really wish this Napster stuff would hurry up so I can go to bed. Haha, not really, I love telling you people about my life, I hope you like to read it too, if not, then what the heck am I wasting my time on?? OK, I better go before I start to offend someone.



Hey there you wonderful world!! I am is such a great mood!! Ahhh, don't you just love life sometimes?? I do. Especially when it is going good. I can't really go into detail in this entry, but I will let you know in a few days when it is all worked out. I can tell you that it has something to do with Mr. T, but that is as far as I can go. OK, in other news, we didn'thave a football game last night and the colorguard is getting along, how good can things get?? I have the erie feeling that something totally horribleis gonna happen, because everything has been so great lately. Well, great in my social life anyway, my grades are starting to slip though. I got straightA's on my last report card, that was a shock and a half. I think I can bring grades back up before it really starts to matter. We don't have to go to school on monday which is so great. I love everybody, but I really just need a break. OK, umm...oh yea, I need some ideas for what to be for Halloween. I want to have blue hair, but I don't have any clue as to what to be. I waskinda thinking punk rocker or something, but that is way overdone. Please, if you give me a suggestion, don't put a freaking smurf down!! I am not gonnabe a smurf! Alright, I guess I am gonna go, I will talk to you people later!!



Hey world, how's it hangin'? Good, I hope. Well, if I left you hanging in my last entry, here's the conclusion....
I told Mr. A (or should I say @$$) how I felt. He didn't have the reaction I was hoping for, not even close. I don't really know how to explain it. He was just a butt about the whole thing. We are still friends and I am pretty much over it. I have better things or thing or person to worry about, Mr. T. I don't really think that they come any sweeter. He's a pretty darn good fellow. OK, I know that was corny. OK, in other news, IT'S WEDNESDAY!! I really have no idea what that means, but I thought I should tell you people, in case you forgot. We don't have a football game this week, so I am jumping for joy. I get to watch Making the Band!! YAY!! I haven't seen it in forever! Let's see, what else?? Oh, yea in the poll on the main page, you had better vote for CHERRIES!! Cherries rock! They are so much better than strawberries! Alright, I have to go, so much to do, so little time!!


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