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Megan's October Entries


I'm back!! Have you missed me? I have been meaning to write, but I just haven't gotten a chance. There isn't much happening here. I think that I am going to fail Honors Biology(not really but oh well). I don't like my English class, and I don't like the pants Alex was wearing today. They weren't all that bad, what am I saying? Yes they were. I will write more later.



Hey everybody! I know that you have missed me lately, so I have a few minutes to fill you in now. We did really good at the band competition on Saturday, I really don't like my keyboarding teacher, we only have two more games until the football season is over, and some of my friends are trying to tell some guy I don't even know, about me. It really isn't going too bad. I want to say hi to Anthony and Nathan, just because I know you come here often. There really isn't all that much to say. I am going to miss being in the colorguard when it is over. Accutually, I won't miss it, I wil miss all my friends that are seniors and won't be there next year. Wow, I wrote more than I thought I would today. Hey I want you guys to look forward to something new on this site. I am working on getting a few surprises on here that I know you will like. OK, well, I have to go now, but I promise to write again when I have a chance! Love you all!!



Wow, believe it or not I made a part of this site that is all mine!! I still have to link it here, and that may take a little while. It is up and running though. I hope you all do enjoy it. I really wish some of you people would send me a voicemail. We had our last home football game last night, and it was senior night so everybody was all teary-eyed at the game. Next Thursday we have the last regular season game away. The band gets to dress up in costumes. I think it will be a hoot! I am dressing up as a clown if anybody wants to know. Guess what Alex wants to dress up as? He wants to either dress up in some old leisure suit or be Eeyore off of Whinnie the pooh. I about died laughing when he told me that. I don't have anything else to say, but bubye!! I will come again.



Hey there everybody! How is it going with you all? I am sitting here in keyboarding updating you people with my boring life. I hope you enjoy. I have some news on Alex for ya!(I know you don't want to read it, but I want to type it!) He knows that I like him. I had a friend tell him. She said he didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either. Ok, well that is my input for the day. I have to go work on a few other things. Write again soon!!

Very Scrambled Egz

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