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Megan's September 2000 Entries


WAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPP?? I just felt like doing that, please forgive me. OK, let me get all the important stuff out of the way, then I will carry on talking about nothing, as I so often do. We lost to Bradly Central last night in football, which is no real surprise because we always lose to them. The score was 16-20, so it could have been worse. In further news of last night, I finally got to dance at pregame. It is a long story, but I and the rest of the dance line (Katie & Candie) did really well, and I am really happy with how we did. Also, I was informed yesterday that my chances of being Colorguard captain next year just sky-rocketed, which is my dream come true for more reasons than one. I won't go into that for my own sake. OK, now I can get into the mushy-gushy love junk. I think that I am going to finally tell Mr. A what I have wanted to tell him for a long time. Sorry Mr. T. I think both of you know who you are by now, if you are not sure, just ask. (hint: i used the first letter of your names) Anyway, let me see what else. I have to do a reading at church tomorrow, I am kinda nervous about that because I have had a cold for about the past week. It is starting to go away, but my voice is still pretty rough. I guess the good Lord will have to help me through this one. Alrighty then, I guess (i guess a lot don't i?) I will catch ya'll on the flip side.

PS. I saw Urban Legend 2:Final Cut today, it sucked, don't waste your money. But the Travis/Trevor dude was a hottie!!


Hey Everybody!!! Have you wondered where I have been?? I hope not, I haven't really gone anywhere, I have just been really busy lately. I promise. I am so happy that it is Saturday. I didn't think that this week would ever end! It was homecoming week last week at school, so we got 'special dress days'. That was pretty, um, interesting. Anyway, we won the homecoming football game last night. That always helps on homecoming. There was a dance last night after the game. I left the band room last night before I was supposed to to go to the dance, so I will probably get in trouble on Monday, but I really don't care. My band directors have been real butts the last two weeks. I don't know what's up, but I hope it changes really soon. They are almost unbearable. In case you don't know, which you wouldn't know unless you went to my school, my band directors are married which is a good and bad thing. Anyway, I had something to say, oh yea! I am not very happy with Mr. A (you know who you are). He didn't go to the dance last night, but he told me he was going to. BTW, Josh, you're great! OK, I don't really have anymore news, wait, yea I do. In my last entry, I was having problems with the colorguard, we are all better now, if you care to know! OK, talk to you people later!!



I think I am playing the game of not ever updating...haha. Anyway, how have you people been? I am good for the most part. I think that everyone know that I am in the color guard. If not, you do now. Just so you people know, I think I am going to like burst because I am really not happy(lack of a better word) with some of the people on the guard. I am not going to mention any names to protect myself, but I had to get that out of myself. OK, moving on, I know you nosey people want to know all about what is going on in the Mr. A and Mr. T area. I can say that I think I am getting over Mr. A for the most part. I don't get to see him as much as I used to so I guess I am just regressing. Who knows? Any psycologists out there??? Haha, not really. I don't really have anything else to say except to say hi to Mary that signed our guestbook, and I don't think you are psyco. Talk to ya'll lata!!



Sorry Everyone for not updating earlier, I have been really busy. There was a color guard 'party' at my house on Sunday night until Monday morning. I say that to say this, Hello to all the Fatty Chipmunks with a q, the Fatty Squirel, and all the other Fatties out there. OK, that is a major inside joke that no one will know unless you are totally psycic or one of my neighbors. I can say that it is a product of being awake until 6 in the morning and totally delirious. Alright, moving on. I have a major dilemma between a certain Mr. A, and a certain Mr. T. I can say that those are their first initials, but I won't say their full names, to protect my own self. Nobody really knows about the whole story, I want it that way. No offense to anyone, I would just rather deal with this one on my own. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how good that felt. I am so tired right now, we had band practice until 6 today. Believe me, that always, well not always, but most of the time, sucks pretty bad. I had fun this time though, because we had guard for most of the time, so that made the time pass. I have to say hi to my extremely hott, friend Chris, just because he is that darn good! Haha, talk to you later!!

Love Always!! Meg

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