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Megan's September Entries


Hey you people sitting in front of your moniters eating chips and drinkin' God-knows-what. I'm back!! Let's see, what is going on 'round here.... We won our football game on Friday!! Go Cherokees!! I talked to one of my crushes at the game, he's in the band, and I was sitting right behind him, so I really didn't have a choice. He was really nice, my mom even said he was OK (is that a good thing?). I can't wait until tomarrow!! The MMC reruns are coming on the disney channel from 12 til 8, so I will be GLUED to the TV, with the record button in my hand. I have to record Justin and JC, and I guess some of Britney for black-male reasons. I have really enjoyed high-school so far. The elections for Student Council are on Tuesday, so I am kinda nervous about that(I am running, that is why). There isn't that much more going on in my life at the moment, but when there is something, you will be the last to know!! Hehe!! Lots-O-Luv!!



Hey, listen I am really sorry I haven't written in such a long time, but I have been really busy. I have so much to write on here I don't know where to start. I guess the beginning would be a good spot. Let's see. Last weekend, the weekend of the 10th, I went on a retreat with the student council, because I am now on it, and take a stab at who was there, my crush! I don't want to call him 'my crush' through the whole story, so I will give out his first name only. I had the best time, you would not even believe it! OK, so we go on this trip and it was right after a football game so I was already tired, hold on wait, the people in the band, me, Alex(crush), and Amber, had to walk all the way across a what seemed like forever long parking lot to get to the bus. I told Amber that I would walk with her to the buses, but we got seperated so I was standing on the curb looking for her, and who comes out of the band room? ALEX!!! So, I walked with him over to the buses, he is soooo nice by the way, we had a good little conversation on our long journey across the parking lot. We got there at around, oh say, 12:30? We didn't get to bed until around 2-2:30am. The next morning we got up at 7. That is 5 hours of sleep people! All day we had "air raids" and got initiated. Air raids are where all the new members lay down where they are when an old member blows a whistle and says air raid. It was not fun, believe you me. We came back home on Sunday, overall it was a fun trip and I know I had a great time. Alright, next thing. Alex has a friggin' girlfriend! I guess as long as he is happy I will try to be happy for him, but why? OK, next thing, the homecoming dance!! I don't think I will forget that for a long while. I went to the dance like an hour late because of the football game, which we won, guess who wasn't there!! Alex's girlfriend! You have no idea how happy I was about that. OK, one more guessing game and I am done. Guess who Megan danced with!! You guessed it, Alex. Do you want to know who he talked about? His girlfriend. I was almost ready to smack him, but I think that if I would have let go of him then I would have fallen because my legs were literally shaking. Alright, that was my completely intriging past couple of weeks. If you have read to here I am really impressed. Now if you are still reading you will send me a voicemail messege. I have to go now!! Write ya'll lata!

Eg's(don't ask!)


Hi Everybody!! I have had the most busy/rewarding week. OK, let's start from the top. I don't remeber Monday, so we will start with Tuesday. On Tuesday the colorguard learned the routine for the last song of our show. Wednesday we got our drill, the spots we go on the field in marching band. Thursday we got more drill. I tell ya that is a kick in the mouth when you have a game on Friday and a freaking competition on Saturday. OK, so Friday sucked big-time, but somehow the colorguard managed to get the highest score in competition, I have no idea how we pulled it off. I was so happy on the ride home, the rest of the and was angry, because they got the second highest score. On Sunday I slept in until 1:00pm from being up til 12:00am every night that week. You would never believe how stressed a high school band student could be until you met me. I guess that it all, I will write again later!!


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