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ALVIS COOPER - DEED TRANSFER - (Taken from TSLA microfilm roll 33, Campbell County Deeds, Vol T, Page 352)


This indenture made and entered into this 4th day of August 1876 by and between Alvis COOPER of the one part and Lindsay WILSON of the other part both of the County of Campbell and State of Tennessee. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Ten dollars ($10.00) to me in hand paid by the said Lindsay WILSON, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents doth transfer and convey unto the said Lindsay WILSON his heirs and assigns forever my undivided interest in Two certain tracts of land lying and being in the County of Campbell, State of Tennessee, District No. 2. It being the lad which he inherited from his father Peter COOPER dec'd. The first tract contains by estimation one hundred acres bounded as follows to wit:

Beginning on a stake on the divisional line between WALKER and HATFIELD, thence with said line to the divisional line to the conditional line between MALLICOTE and GRAUH thence with said conditional line to the lot O, line thence with said line to a stake, thence a due west course so as to run to the spring, then used out of by Thomas W. GRAY and Peter COOPER so as to include one half of said spring a south course westward to the head of the hollow thence a westward course to the beginning.

The second tract contains six acres more or less adjoining the first tract on the east bounded as follow; Beginning on a stake on lot O on top of Forge Ridge, thence nearly east to a post oak, and running nearly north to a white oak and chestnut, thence due west to black gum on the lot O line, thence along the lot O line to the beginning, containing sixe acres more or less.

To have and to hold unto the said Lindsay WILSON his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whosoever and the said Alvis COOPER further covenants and agrees to and with the said Lindsay WILSON that he is lawfully seized of the above described one twelfth interest in said two tracts, and that they are free from all encumberances whatever.

In witness whereof, there unto set my hand and seal this day and date above written.




Alvis COOPER (mark)