
Although I'm only 23 I've already decided that I would have 5 children when I get settled down. Sounds crazy huh? The way I think of it however is the more the merrier right? Hopefully I will be living somewhere in Seattle, WA because I love the weather there. Yeah I know it rains 75% or more of the time there but for some reason the rain soothes me. By this time next year hopefully I'll be living in Austin, TX and starting a new chapter in my life; with new responsibilities and a new perspective on life. I also plan on taking a few graduate classes at night since I will be working full time during the days.


Of course the future is a mystery to us all but who can say for certain that they have a control over their lives? For me; I know it's a cliche; but I try to live one day at a time; don't plan for tomorrow because tomorrow is not tangible until tomorrow comes. I don't know if that makes any sense but if you want to know more of my thoughts about anything than click here.
