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These groups are the best of the best and if you are looking for a group that is caring and helpful, any of these is right for you.





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site owned by EmmieJ.

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Our New Everlasting Friends Quilting Webring is so much fune! Please come join us if this is your thing!





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I am Chairperson of the Invitation Committee
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the the graphic below!






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I am a member of the Penpals Committee
This committee sends postcards and other things thru snail mail
You must be a member of Everlasting Friends to join this committee
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I am a member of the Welcoming Committee
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EmmieJ's Place
by clicking on the link below





Southern Women


You ain't just whistlin Dixie,
You ain't just slappin your knee
We a grandchild of the Southland
And heir to the Confederacy!
© Bellemy Brothers




Thanks to all those who voted for me!




This Southern Women Webring site
owned by EmmieJ

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We are the women of the South Land!
We were born here, some of us moved here,
but all of us have Dixie in our blood.
We come from all walks of life.
Our common bond is our love and heritage of the South.
We would like to share our beloved land with you,
please tour our webpages,
and we will welcome you with our hospitality.




  Southern Women "Southern Bits" is celebrating it's 4th anniversary








  Oh My Gosh!
Was I ever surprised to be named
Southern Women's Site of The Week
for the week of 1/15/03
Thanks so much for this honour!






The Women of Strength & Inner Beauty webring

All women are welcome here, despite age, race, sexual preference, and religion. We do not discriminate anyone for anything beyond their control. You will find a vast amount of diversity here, and that is what makes us stand out. No one here is the same, yet we are all treated equally. We welcome all women, with welcome arms. Please consider joining us, you won't regret the experience of friendship and family. There is tons for anyone to do, not necessarily just members.



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After you join this great group, consider joining one of our Gardens. We have a garden for each individual according to their talents. You don't have a talent? We have a garden for you also. Just stop by and check it out.










I am so honored to have been named
WOSIB Judge Of The Month.








I am a proud member of the
WOSIB Quilting Garden





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This Designing Women site
owned by EmmieJ

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Please sign my guestbook to let me know you were here and I will return the favor as soon as I can.





  Jim Warren StudiosTammy's Web Design


©EmmieJ's Place, 2002.  All Rights Reserved