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<title>Act I</title>
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<h1 align="center">Act I</h1>

<I>In each of us there are two natures. If this primitive duality of man, good and evil, could be housed in separate identities, life would be relieved of all that is unbearable. It is the curse of mankind that these polar twins should be constantly struggling. </I><br>
<I>(Utterson steps forward, a narrator of sorts.)</I><br>
<I>In the autumn of 1888 my friend, Henry Jekyll, embarked on a series of scientific experiments which he hoped might alter our notions of good and evil. How was I to know that they would also transform his soul…..and mine as well? </I><br>
<I>(Sir Danvers Carew and Henry Jekyll are in a mental hospital. Henry is leaning over one of the patients, Albert Henry Jekyll, his father.)</I><br>
<I> He’s beyond help, Henry.</I><br>
<I>Sir Danvers, he still has a soul, as pure and as good as yours or mine. But it’s trapped in a dark and terrible world. Madness is the cruelest of all prisons! There must be a way to help him. </I><br>
<I>Death will help him, Henry.</I><br>
<I>My theories have convinced me that there is a better solution. </I><br>
<I>Your theories are more dangerous than he is. Your colleagues say you are trespassing on hallowed ground when you experiment with the human mind. </I><br>
<I>My colleagues are cowards! Afraid of what they don’t understand. How can we call ourselves civilized when we’re not prepared to help him? And every wretched soul like him?</I><br>
<I>I admire your tenacity, Henry, but I question your philosophy. You’re a gifted man, use your gifts wisely.</I><br>
<I>(Sir Danvers exits leaving Jekyll alone.)</I><br>
<b><u>LOST IN THE DARKNESS</u></b><br>
Lost in the darkness<br>
Silence surrounds you<br>
Once there was morning <br>
Now endless night <br>
If I could reach you<br>
I’d guide you and teach you<br>
To walk from the darkness<br>
Back into the light<br>
Deep in your silence<br>
Please try to hear me<br>
I’ll keep you near me<br>
Till night passes by<br>
I will find the answer<br>
I’ll never desert you<br>
I promise you this<br>
Till the day that I die<br>
<I>Goodnight, father.</I><br>
<I>(Jekyll kisses his father’s forehead then covers him with a blanket.)</I><br>
<b><u>I NEED TO KNOW</u></b><br>
I need to know<br>
The nature of the demons <br>
That possess man’s soul<br>
I know to know<br>
Why man’s content to let them <br>
Make him less than whole<br>
Why does he revel in murder and madness? <br>
What is it makes him be less than he should? <br>
Why is he doomed not to reach his potential? <br>
His soul is black when he turns his back upon good<br>
I need to find <br>
A way to get inside <br>
The tortured mind of man<br>
I need to try <br>
To separate the good and evil<br>
If I can<br>
Why does a wise man take leave of his senses? <br>
Where is that fine line where sanity melts? <br>
When does intelligence give way to madness? <br>
A moment comes when a man becomes something else<br>
I need to know<br>
Why man plays this strange double game<br>
His hand always close to the flame<br>
It’s a deal with the devil he cannot disclaim<br>
But what’s his aim? <br>
I need to know<br>
Dear God, guide me<br>
Show me how to succeed<br>
With your wisdom inside me<br>
Henry Jekyll will follow wherever you lead! <br>
I need to see<br>
The truth other men cannot see<br>
To be things that others can’t be<br>
Give me courage to go where no angel will go<br>
And I will go<br>
I need to know! <br>
<I>(Jekyll exits.)</I><br>
There’s a face that we wear<br>
In the cold light of day<br>
It’s society’s mask<br>
It’s society’s way<br>
And the truth is <br>
<b>All 3:</b><br>
Ha! That it’s all a facade! <br>
There’s a face that we hide<br>
Till the nighttime appears<br>
<b>Patient 1: </b><br>
And what’s hiding inside<br>
<b>Patient 2: </b><br>
Behind all of our fears<br>
Is our true self<br>
<b>All 3:</b><br>
Locked inside the facade! <br>
Every day<br>
People in their own sweet way<br>
Like to add a coat of pain<br>
And be what they ain’t! <br>
That’s how our little<br>
Game is played<br>
Livin’ out a masquerade<br>
Getting rich and getting laid<br>
While playing the saint<br>
But there’s one thing I know<br>
And I know it for sure<br>
This disease that we’ve got<br> 
Has got no ready cure<br>
And I’m certain <br>
Life is terribly hard! <br>
When your life’s a facade! <br>
<b>Poor Women:</b><br>
Look around you<br>
I have found you<br>
Cannot tell by looking<br>
At the surface <br>
What is lurking there beneath it! <br>
<b> 2 Women:</b><br>
See that face<br>
Now I’m prepared <br>
To bet you what you see’s<br>
Not what you get<br>
Cause man’s a master of deceit!<br>
So what is this sinister secret? <br>
The lie he will tell you is true<br>
It’s that each man you meet<br>
On the street<br>
Isn’t one man, but two<br>
Nearly everyone you see<br>
Like him an’ her <br>
An’ you an’ me<br>
Pretends to be <br>
A pillar of society<br>
A model of propriety<br>
Sobriety and piety<br>
Who shudders at the thought 
of notoriety<br>
The ladies an’ gents here before you<br>
Which none of ‘em ever admits<br>
May have saintly looks<br>
But they’re sinners an’ crooks<br>
Hypocrites! <br>
Hypocrites! <br>
There are preachers who kill! <br>
There are killers who preach! <br>
There are teachers who lie! <br>
There are liars who teach! <br>
Take your pick….dear! <br>
Cause it’s all a facade…<br>
<b>Poor Man 1:</b><br>
You must seem to be rich<br>
And have money to burn<br>
Even though it’s a bitch<br>
Spending more than you earn! <br>
<b>Patient 1:</b><br>
That’s the game here! <br>
And the name is facade! <br>
One or two<br>
Might look kinda well to do<br>
But I betcha precious few<br>
<b>Group 1:</b><br>
Have paid for their boots<br>
<b>Group 2:</b><br>
Have paid for their boots! <br>
I’m inclined to think<br>
Half mankind<br>
Thinks the other half is blind<br>
Wouldn’t be surprised to find<br>
They’re all in cahoots! <br>
At the end of the day<br>
They don’t mean what they say<br>
They don’t say what they mean<br>
They don’t ever come clean<br>
<b>Group 1:</b><br>
And the answer<br>
Is it’s all a facade<br>
Is it’s all a facade<br>
Man is not one but two<br>
He is evil and good<br>
And he walks the fine line<br>
We’d all cross if we could<br>
It’s a nightmare<br>
<b>Man 1</b><center> <b>Women:</b></center><br>
We can never discard<center>Look be-</center><br>
So we stay on our guard<center>hind the</center><br>
<b>Patient 1:</b><br>
Though we love the facade<center>facade</center><br>
What’s behind the facade? <br>
Look behind….the facade<br>
<b><u>BOARD OF GOVERNORS</b></u><br>
<I>(Each member of the Board steps forward when announced)</I><br>
<I>The board of governors of St. Jude’s hospital is now met. <br>
Sir Danvers Carew, K.B.E., Chairman. <br>
The Right Honorable Sir Archibald Proops, Q.C. <br>
Lord Savage. <br>
General Lord Glossop. <br>
Lady Beaconsfield. <br>
And His Grace, the Bishop of Basingstoke. <br>
The order of business will be conducted by the secretary to the Board, Mr. Simon Stride. </I><br>
<I>Let’s get on with it!</I><br>
<I>Proposal number 929 presented by Doctor Henry Jekyll.</I><br>
<I>(Jekyll appears and walks forward as the Board yell insults and various other things at him)</I><br>
<b>Stride: </b><br>
<I>Order! The Chairman will address the Board. </I><br>
<I>My friends, as governors of St. Jude’s hospital we are all well aware of the highly controversial nature of Dr. Jekyll’s research. But our high regard for his work and his reputation demand that we give him a proper hearing and that we now happily accord him. </I><br>
<I>I won’t happily accord that madman anything!</I><br>
<I>(Jekyll takes three steps forward.)</I><br>
Distinguished governors, <br>
I have glimpsed the future<br>
Seen miracles that stun the mind<br>
And marvels only science can find<br>
To shape tomorrow for mankind<br>
And I can show them to you<br>
If you wish me to…<br>
<I>(A mental patient is brought in and pushed to the floor.)</I><br>
Friends you’re aware <br>
There are two sides to each of us<br>
Good and evil. <br>
Compassion and hate<br>
If we could extract <br>
All the evil from each of us<br>
Think of the world<br>
That we could create<br>
A world without anger<br>
Or violence, or strife<br>
Where man wouldn’t kill anymore<br>
A world of compassion <br>
Where passion for life<br>
Would banish the madness of war<br>
I’m close to finding<br> 
The key to duality<br>
Chemical formulae which could, and would, <br>
Alter the patterns <br>
Of man’s personality<br>
Guiding him either to evil or good<br>
Weigh the potential
The great possibilities<br>
Colleagues, dear friends, understand<br>
We have a chance to make history<br>
Here in our hands…<br>
<I>Dr. Jekyll, let us dispense with the niceties and proceed to the matter at hand.</I><br>
<I>Yes, of course, Mr. Stride. Forgive my good manners.</I><br>
<I>Each of us is the embodiment of two distinct and opposing forces, good and evil each fighting for supremacy inside us. If we could separate these two forces, we could control and ultimately eliminate all the evil from mankind. My experiments have convinced me that the day is not far off when this separation will be possible. But to continue, I must be allowed to try my formula on a living human being. </I>  <br>
<I>And what if you’re right Jekyll? And you do manage to separate good from evil? What happens to the evil?</I><br>
There are doomed broken souls<br>
In a thousand asylums<br>
Let there to rot <br>
For the lack of a plan<br>
In the name of compassion<br>
And medical science<br>
I can save many lives<br>
If you give me one man! <br>
I tell you now<br>
The church will never sanction it! <br>
Sacrilege, lunacy, <br>
Blasphemy, heresy! <br>
Beware sir<br>
You’re treading on <br>
Dangerous ground<br>
In legal terms<br>
I’d say extremely unsound! <br>
The whole thing’s<br>
Un-Christian, barbaric<br>
And odd! <br>
You’re playing with fire<br>
When you start to play God! <br>
The Bishop speaks for all of us<br>
When he says you’re playing God<br>
There’s such a thing as ethics<br>
Over which you ride rough-shod<br>
You’re a doctor, not our savior! <br>
Doctor Jekyll, for a start! <br>
But I judge from your behavior<br>
You can’t tell the two apart<br>
Dear Mr. Stride, I am simply a scientist<br>
I have a code to which I remain true<br>
I don’t presume to the stature of moralist<br>
I leave pretension like that, Sir, to you! <br>
Henry, I’ve always encouraged your enterprise<br>
And I’ve been hopeful that you would succeed<br>
But in the face of these powerful arguments<br>
I see no choice, but for you to concede<br>
I know my fate is yours to choose<br>
But if they win the world will lose<br>
And I am on the brink of great success<br>
I beg you, Governors, you must say yes! <br>
Doctor Jekyll<br>
Enough of this ranting, sir<br>
This is a hospital<br>
Here to save lives<br>
Do you think <br>
We would let you play havoc<br>
With all the high principles<br>
Toward which it strives?<br>
Do you expect us to <br>
Compromise all that we <br>
Stand for indulging your<br>
Dangerous games? <br>
How many rules should we<br>
Break for your dubious aims? <br>
Can’t you see? <br>
I am not playing games! <br>
Just give me the opportunity! <br>
This whole thing’s too bizarre! <br>
Open up your eyes and see! <br>
This man has gone to far! <br>
Unless you listen to me! <br>
Doctor, please <br>
Watch your tone! <br>
Damn it man, <br>
Can’t you see? <br>
You’re on your own! <br>
<I>(Jekyll grows angry and yells at the Board as they yell right back at him.)</I><br>
You fools! <br>
Fools! <br>
God damn your rules! <br>
Look at yourselves! <br>
Civilized men! <br>
Why can’t you see? <br>
<I>Henry! Please stop!</I><br>
<I>If I ever needed further justification for my experiments, gentlemen, you have just provided it!</I><br>
Just look at what has happened here<br>
Mix anger with a touch of fear<br>
The danger’s all to crystal clear<br>
Just look at you! <br>
Our darker side keeps breaking through<br>
Observe it now in me and you! <br>
The evil that all men can do <br>
Must be controlled! <br>
I beg of you<br>
I’ll show you all! <br>
It can be done! <br>
<I>(Jekyll calms a bit and pauses, trying to find a way to convince them.)</I><br>
Here is a chance <br>
To take charge of our fate<br>
Deep down you must know<br>
That tomorrow’s too late<br>
One rule of life<br>
We cannot rearrange<br>
The only thing constant is change<br>
The only thing constant…is change<br>
Distinguished governors<br>
Your verdict please<br>
All those in favor <br>
Say "Aye" <br>
All those opposed<br>
"Nay" <br>
Nay, nay, nay, nay! <br>
Positively, absolutely,
Nay! <br>
Sir Danvers? <br>
<I>By five votes to none, with one abstension, proposal number 929 is rejected. Thank you for your time, Doctor Jekyll.</I><br>
<I>Well, who wants to take me to lunch? Bessie?</I><br>
<I>I’ve heard enough demented babbling for one day, Herbert, without listening to you!</I><br>
<I>(Governors except for Sir Danvers exit.)</I><br>
<I>I am truly sorry, Henry. I did try to warn you.</I><br>
<I>(Sir Danvers exits. Utterson walks up to Jekyll.)</I><br>
<b><u>PURSE THE TRUTH</b></u><br>
<I>They think you’re quite mad.</I><br>
<I>They are hypocrites, John! Every last one of them!</I><br>
<I>Yes, but they are powerful hypocrites. You should exercise greater caution.</I><br>
<I>I can’t afford caution!</I><br>
How can I continue on<br>
When they can block each step I take? <br>
Henry, you have come this far<br>
Remember what you have at stake<br>
But John, I know I’m right<br>
I have let my vision guide me<br>
I’m so weary of this fight<br>
There’s so little left inside me<br>
If you know that you are right<br>
Then you’ve got to see it through<br>
You’ve got to see it through…<br>
Seven years ago <br>
I started out on this alone<br>
And it’s alone <br>
I’ll see it through to it’s conclusion<br>
Who are they to judge<br>
What I am doing<br>
They know nothing of the <br>
Endless possibilities I see<br>
It’s ludicrous I’m bound by their decision<br>
Seems vision is a word they’ve never heard<br>
If it mattered less I’d treat it with derision<br>
It’s absurd…<br>
And yet the fact remains…<br>
Those bastards hold the reins! <br>
<I>(They exit.)</I><br>
<b><u>FACADE REPRISE 1</b></u><br>
<I>(Background is the upper-class portion of London’s streets.)</I><br>
<b>Gentleman 1:</b><br>
If you live around here<br>
You need cash in the bank<br>
Cause the houses ‘round here<br>
Are all flashy and swank<br>
And the front bit<br>
Is what’s called a facade<br>
If you live around here<br>
You need lots of panache<br>
If you live in town dear<br>
Then you must cut a dash<br>
‘Tisn’t hard, dear<br>
To create a facade<br>
<I>(Backdrop rises to reveal the scene of a party.)</I><br>
Here tonight it’s festive<br>
But the guests are getting restless<br>
Cause the guest of honor’s causing a dilemma<br>
<b>3 Gentlemen</b><br>
Doctor Jekyll’s tardy<br>
For his own engament party<br>
His betrothal to Sir Danvers’ daughter, Emma. <br>
<I>(Emma and Sir Danvers walk out and begin to mingle. A small group from the Board stand talking.)</I><br>
<I>Who does this Jekyll fellow think he is?</I><br>
<I>Impertinence like that in the army would have earned him a good flogging. </I><br>
<I>He’s lucky he lives in modern times. Today’s penalties for heresy are not what they should be. </I><br>
<I>We’re lucky we have you to represent modern times, Your Grace.</I></b><br>
<I>I think Jekyll overdoes all this stuff about helping the poor. I’ve lived in St. James’ all me life. Damned if I’ve ever seen any poor people. </I><br>
<I>Well, I for one think he’s mad. Oh Danvers! We were just taking about your future son-in-law. And I think you’re mad to allow him to marry your daughter.</I><br>
<I>That’s not Father’s decision, Lady Beaconsfield, it’s mine. </I><br>
<I>Don’t worry, Bessie. Whatever you views on Henry Jekyll as a scientist, Emma assures me he is impeccable husband material. </I><br>
<I>Hmph! It is less than impeccable to be late for one’s own engagement party. Shows a remarkable lack of style. </I><br>
<I>Comments on style, Madame, should never be made by those who have none.</I><br>
<I>(Stride walks in.)</I><br>
<I>Ah good! Now Jekyll and I can drown our respective sorrows in Sir Danvers’ drink!</I><br>
<b><u>EMMA’S REASONS</b></u><br>
<I>My dear Simon,</I><br>
You’re so gracious<br>
To wish Emma and Henry both well<br>
Dear Sir Danvers<br>
As you know, Sir<br>
I wish Emma the sun and the moon<br>
But I have to confess<br>
That I wish Henry Jekyll in Hell! <br>
<I>(Stride walks over to Emma and they begin to dance.)</I><br>
Emma Carew<br>
Can this be you? <br>
What kind of man<br>
Is this you’ve taken? <br>
Can you not see<br>
The kind of life<br>
That this would be? <br>
You are mistaken<br>
Time to awaken <br>
Before it’s too late<br>
Before you forever<br>
Determine your fate<br>
But Simon, you knew<br>
I had to be free<br>
What I choose to do<br>
Is decided by me<br>
From the day my mother died<br>
My father full of good intentions<br>
Treated me as though I were a young child<br>
Maybe his idea <br>
Was just to wait until I grew up<br>
And then look at me and hope that I’d be her<br>
It’s easy to accept that from a father<br>
He’d rather things remained the way they were<br>
But when it comes to marriage<br>
I must pick whom I prefer<br>
I’m not the weak young thing you’re seeking, Simon<br>
Someone seventeen, obedient, and sweet<br>
I am not the protegee to waste your time one…<br>
<I>(Jekyll dashes in just as Emma turns from Simon and she sees him.)</I><br>
I’m complete…<br>
In Henry’s eyes I see<br>
What I am meant to be…<br>
<I>(Emma and Jekyll walk toward each other but Jekyll is suddenly stopped by a pair of gentlemen.)</I><br>
<b>Gentleman 2:</b><br>
Henry Jekyll<br>
You’re a devil<br>
You have robbed us of<br>
London’s most lovely girl! <br>
<b>Gentleman 3:</b><br>
I could turn to drink<br>
When I stop to think<br>
Emma’s marrying a doctor <br>
Instead of an earl! <br>
Poor girl! <br>
Doctor Jekyll may I be the first<br>
To wish you and your bride-to-be<br>
Peace and prosperity<br>
Mister Stride, it’s most civil of you<br>
To say that as you do <br>
With such patent sincerity<br>
<I>Ah the late Henry Jekyll.</I><br>
<I>Sir Danvers, forgive me.</I><br>
<I>Nothing to forgive, my dear boy. I’m thinking of inviting the guests for the day after the wedding so that the two of you will appear to be on time. </I><br>
<I>Sir Danvers, my lords, ladies and gentlemen, a toast to the intolerably happy couple. Henry, may all your research result in discoveries as wonderful as this one. To Emma and Henry!</i><br>
<I>Emma and Henry!</I><br>
<I>Miss Carew…</I><br>
<I>Doctor Jekyll…..oh I’m happy you’re here. </I><br>
<I>Oh I try never to miss any social occasion attended by Lady Beaconsfield. Is there a Lord Beaconsfield?</I><br>
<I>He died thirty years ago…</I><br>
<I>Sensible fellow.</I><br>
<I>Oh Henry, sometimes I wish you were as diplomatic as you are outspoken. </I><br>
<b> Jekyll:</b><br>
<I>I will be outspoken if you’ll be diplomatic. If you had presented my case this afternoon I probably would have got what I wanted.</I><br>
<I>You’ll get what you want in the end, Henry, you always do.</I><br>
<I>I don’t have a choice.</I><br>
I must go on <br>
With the work I’m committed to<br>
How can I not<br>
When my theories are true? <br>
And I will prove <br>
If I’m ever permitted to<br>
Things are not wrong<br>
Just because they are new--<br>
Henry, I adore you<br>
Always have done, always will do<br>
And your dreams are mine<br>
I will always understand<br>
However hard the path you’ve planned<br>
Our lives will intertwine<br>
Who knows where my work will lead me<br>
Nowhere where you will not need me<br>
Emma, please, I beg you, heed me<br>
Just don’t leave me on my own<br>
The only thing to fear is the unknown…<br>
When this all began<br>
We knew there’d be a price to pay<br>
Too late now to turn away<br>
We have come too far<br>
I know we’ll find a way<br>
<b><u>TAKE ME AS I AM</b></u><br>
Sometimes I see <br>
Past the horizon<br>
Sure of my way<br>
Where I am going<br>
But where’s the prize<br>
I have my eye on? <br>
Where? <br>
There is just no knowing<br>
And when despair<br>
Tears me in two<br>
Who can I turn to but you? <br>
You know who I am<br>
Take me as I am<br>
Look in my eyes<br>
Who do you see there? <br>
Someone you know<br>
Or just a stranger? <br>
If you are wise<br>
You will see me there<br>
Is the only danger<br>
Love, meaning me<br>
Love, meaning you<br>
We’ll make that one dream come true<br>
You know who I am<br>
Take me as I am<br>
Though fate <br>
Won’t always do what we desire<br>
Still we can set the world on fire! <br>
Give me your hand<br>
Give me your heart<br>
Swear to me we’ll never part! <br>
We’ll never part! <br>
You know who I am<br>
You know who I am</b><br>
This is who I am<br>
This is who I am<br>
Take me as I am! <br>
<I>(They kiss. Sir Danvers walks in and coughs quietly. Jekyll and Emma pull apart quickly.)</I><br>
<I>Sir Danvers, thank you for so much. These next six weeks until the wedding will be the longest of my life. </I><br>
<I>I have to tell you, Henry, that your half hour before the board of governors this afternoon was the longest of my life. </I><br>
<I>I’m sorry, Sir, but I must stand up for what I believe in.</I><br>
<I>Even if it means antagonizing the established authority? </I><br>
<I>Especially then, and your friends are not the established authority, merely the established prejudice.</I><br>
<I>I want to be proud of you, Henry.</I><br>
<I>Then listen to me, Sir. (walks over to Emma) Goodnight, my angel.</I><br>
<I>Goodnight, my devil.</I><br>
<I>(Jekyll exits leaving Emma and Sir Danvers alone.)</I><br>
<I>Emma, there are times when I find it hard to tolerate Henry’s behavior. </I><br>
<I>You don’t have to tolerate it, Father. He’s marrying me, not you. </I><br>
<b><u>LETTING GO</b></u><br>
Emma, can’t you understand<br>
It’s you that I’m concerned for<br>
Father, don’t be<br>
You should be concerned for him<br>
He’s the one in need<br>
I am only trying to protect you<br>
What else would you have your father do? <br>
I think I would die<br>
If any harm should come to you<br>
I’m scared, my child<br>
Because I’m going to lose you<br>
I find it very hard to let you go<br>
Father, <br>
If you tried to<br>
You could never lose me<br>
Darling father, <br>
I still love you<br>
More than you will ever know<br>
But if we want our love to grow<br>
I know in time <br>
I have to let you go<br>
We mustn’t be afraid<br>
Of letting go…<br>
<I>(They hug and exit. The scene changes to the outside of the Red Rat, a whorehouse in London’s East End.)</I><br>
<I>Well, I for one am glad for some sense of order. I prefer to believe that man is basically good. Every moral man believes that. </I><br>
<I>I don’t believe it!</I><br>
<I>As your lawyer, Henry, it’s my duty to inform you that you are playing a very dangerous game. </I><br>
<I>And as your doctor, it is my duty to inform you, John, that I need a very large drink.</I><br>
<I>Well, what a fine looking pair of gentlemen, I must say. Welcome to the Red Rat boys, show’s about to start. My name’s Nellie. Have a drink, look around, find something you fancy.</I><br>
<I>This is hardly a respectable place, Henry.</I><br>
<I>I’ve had all the respectability I can take for one day. Besides, tonight’s my bachelor night, you’re supposed to give me a party! </I><br>
<I>I can be the party he was supposed to give you, Henry.</I><br>
<I>He means a bachelor party.</I><br>
<I>Most of my parties are bachelors.</I><br>
<I>Come on John, one drink. Where’s your sense of adventure?</I><br>
<I>He’s right, John. Good for you, Henry.</I><br>
<I>Besides, I might be able to find a subject for my experiments. A volunteer. </I><br>
<I>I suspect this place has volunteers for all sorts of experiments. </I><br>
<I>You got that dear. Come on Henry, follow me!</I><br>
<I>This is dangerous, Henry! </I><br>
<I>I’m feeling dangerous!</I><br>
<I>(The enter the Red Rat. The bar is full of various men, most of them drunk.)</I><br>
<I>Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!</I><br>
<I>(Lucy Harris, main attraction, enters the area ready for her show.)</I><br>
<b><u>BRING ON THE MEN</b></u><br>
There was a time<br>
I don’t know when<br>
I didn’t have <br>
Much time for men<br>
But this is now<br>
And that was then I’m learning<br>
A girl alone<br>
All on ‘er own<br>
Must try to ‘ave <br>
A ‘eart of stone<br>
So I try not<br>
To make it known my yearning<br>
<I>Aw, show us your yearnings, love.</I><br>
I try to show<br>
I ‘ave no need<br>
I really do<br>
I don’t succeed….<br>
So let’s bring on the men<br>
And let the fun begin<br>
A little touch of sin<br>
Why wait another minute? <br>
Step this way<br>
It’s time for us to play<br>
They say we may not pass this way again<br>
So let’s waste no more time<br>
Bring on the men<br>
I always knew<br>
I always said<br>
That silk ‘n lace<br>
In black an’ red<br>
Will drive a man<br>
Right off ‘is ‘ead, it’s easy<br>
<I>Easy for you, Luce!</I><br>
Too many men<br>
Too little time<br>
I want ‘em all<br>
Is that a crime? <br>
No! <br>
I don’t know why<br>
They say that I’m too easy<br>
<I>I know why!</I><br>
They make me laugh<br>
They make me cry<br>
They make me sick<br>
So God knows why…<br>
<b>Women and some men:</b><br>
We say bring on the men<br>
And let the fun begin<br>
A little touch of sin<br>
Why wait another minute? <br>
Step this way<br>
It’s time for us to play<br>
They say we may not pass this way again<br>
So let’s waste no more time<br>
Bring on the men! <br>
They break your heart! <br>
Steal your soul<br>
Take you apart<br>
And yet they somehow make you whole<br>
What’s their game? <br>
I suppose<br>
A rose by any other name.. <br>
The perfume and the prick’s the same! <br>
<I>(Instrumental interlude and the women’s dance)</I><br>
I like to ‘ave a man for breakfast each day<br>
<I>You’re always hungry, Luce!</I><br>
I’m very social and I like it that way<br>
By late midmorning I need something to munch<br>
So I ask over…two men for lunch! <br>
And men are mad about my afternoon teas<br>
They’re quite informal I just do it to please<br>
Those triple sandwiches are my fav’rite ones<br>
I’m also very…partial to buns! <br>
My ‘ealthy appetite gets strongest at night<br>
My at home dinners are my men friends’ delight<br>
When I invite the fellows over to dine<br>
They all come early…<br>
Huh? <br>
In bed by nine! <br>
Oh! <br>
So let’s bring on the men<br>
And let the fun begin<br>
A little touch of sin<br>
Why wait another minute? <br>
Step this way<br>
It’s time for us to play<br>
They say we may not pass this way again<br>
So let’s waste no more time…<br>
Bring on the men! <br>
Big men, small men<br>
Short men, tall men<br>
I guess that means <br>
Almost all men<br>
I’m a player<br>
Long as they are<br>
M-E-N, men! <br>
<I>(Neliie walks up to Lucy and whispers in her ear.)</I><br>
<I>Careful, Spider’s in an evil mood.</I><br>
<I>Why should tonight be any different? </I><br>
<I>(She starts to walk out but The Spider, owner of the Red Rat, stops her.)</I><br>
<I>A gentleman customer, Lucy. Business before pleasure.</I><br>
<I>Don’t worry, Spider, pleasure is my business. </I><br>
<I>Quite right, my dear. And business is my pleasure. (He shoves Lucy. Jekyll stands up quickly and glares at Spider.)  Oh be good to ‘im, Luce. Some men knows quality when they sees it. </I><br>
<I>Lucy walks over toward Jekyll and Utterson.)</I><br>
<b><u>LUCY MEETS HENRY</B></u><br>
S’not everyday me friends an’ I<br>
‘as gents like you just dropping by<br>
Before you go you’ll know just why<br>
You came here…<br>
Of that, my dear, I’ve little doubt<br>
One only has to look about<br>
It’s not to hard to figure out<br>
The game here…<br>
And yet I sense there’s more to you…<br>
You flatter, sir, you really do<br>
With ‘alf a chance…<br>
What would you do? <br>
Don’t ask me<br>
<I>(They laugh. Nellie brings over a couple of drinks then whispers something in Utterson’s ear. He stands and with a quick look at Jekyll, leaves with Nellie.)</I><br>
<I>So…you got a name, blue eyes?</I><br>
<I>‘Enry. Well, ‘enry, aren’t you gonna ask me what I’m doin’ in a place like this?</I><br>
<I>Well, actually---</I><br>
<I>Actually I’m in between engagements at the Royal Albert Hall, so this is your lucky night.</I><br>
Here’s to the night<br>
Here’s to romance<br>
To those unafraid <br>
Of taking a chance…<br>
I think I’ve taken enough for one day<br>
And I have learned to my cost<br>
Chances are something you don’t take<br>
Once you have lost. <br>
Oh what a shame<br>
If you only knew<br>
The games we could play <br>
The things we could do<br>
<I>(She walks around behind him and runs her hands down his chest lower and lower until he jumps in surprise.)</I><br>
Yet I can see you’re not up to the chase<br>
But if you’re ever in need<br>
I am the girl, and this is the place<br>
Come to me…<br>
<I>Utterson appears and stands just off to the side holding Jekyll’s coat and hat.)</I><br>
It’s getting late, I have to go<br>
If anytime, you never know<br>
You need a friend.. <br>
<I>(He hands her his visiting card.)  Doctor Henry Jekyll. 46 Harley Street. </I><br>
<I>(Utterson and Jekyll exit. Lucy stands there for a moment then starts to move away. Spider catches her.)</I><br>
<I>A little less socializing and a little more soliciting might prove more profitable for us both, Lucy. I don’t give lodgings and a respectable position in any of my houses to girls who sit around hobnobbing and drinkin’ gin. </I><br>
<I>That will cost you sixty percent of this weeks earnings instead of fifty.</I><br>
<I>Can’t win ‘em all.</I><br>
<I>(Spider grabs her hard.)</I><br>
<I>Fortunately I’m in a good mood tonight. I shall come by at midnight for my pleasures. </I><br>
<I>(He pushes her away and walks toward the exit but stops when she speaks.)</I><br>
<I>Lucky me. (Spider exits. Lucy watches him go then looks at the card in her hand.) "Doctor Henry Jekyll. 46 ‘Arley Street". </i><br>
If any time<br>
You never know<br>
You need a friend….<br>
<I>(She leaves. The scene changes to the outside of Jekyll’s home. Utterson and Jekyll are laughing as they walk.)</I><br>
<I>Well, I must say, you’re in a much better mood.</I><br>
<I>That’s because I’ve made up my mind, John. I know exactly where to find a subject for my experiment. </I><br>
<I>Oh, not that girl..</I><br>
<I>No, not her! But I am  going to be working late tonight. </I><br>
<I>Do be careful, Henry, you’ve got a lot to lose. Think of the consequences. </I><br>
<I>If all I ever did was think of the consequences I would never accomplish anything. </I><br>
<I>I’m going home. </I><br>
<I>(He starts to leave.)</I><br>
<I>John, you remember my father….before…  His mind and spirit were extremely strong…</I><br>
<I>He was the finest man I ever knew.</I><br>
<I>(To himself) Then I must do it, for his sake.</I><br>
<I>Do what, Henry?</I><br>
<I>Goodnight, John! And be careful, Hyde park is dangerous at night. </I><br>
<I>So are you.</I><br>
<I>(Utterson exits.)</I><br>
Now there is no choice<br>
I must put aside <br>
The fears I feel inside<br>
There’s no place to hide<br>
So it comes to this<br>
One great golden chance<br>
That only I can take<br>
When everything I’ve fought for<br>
Is at stake<br>
To make the mark that only I can make<br>
<I>(He steps off the stairs)</I><br>
<b><u>THIS IS THE MOMENT</u></b><br>
This is the moment<br>
This is the day<br>
When I send all my doubts and demons<br>
On their way<br>
Every endeavor <br>
I have made, ever<br>
Is coming into play<br>
Is here and now, today<br>
This is the moment<br>
This is the time<br>
When the momentum and the moment<br>
Are in rhyme<br>
Give me this moment<br>
This precious chance<br>
I’ll gather up my past<br>
And make some sense at last<br>
This is the moment<br>
When all I’ve done<br>
All of the dreaming, scheming and screaming
Become one<br>
This is the day<br>
See it sparkle and shine<br>
When all I’ve lived for<br>
Becomes mine<br>
For all these years<br>
I’ve faced the world alone<br>
And now the time has come<br>
To prove to them I’ve made it on my own<br>
This is the moment<br>
My final test<br>
Destiny beckoned, I never reckoned<br>
Second best<br>
I won’t look down<br>
I must not fall<br>
This is the moment<br>
The sweetest moment of them all<br>
This is the moment<br>
Damn all the odds<br>
This day or never I’ll sit forever<br>
With the gods<br>
When I look back<br>
I will always recall<br>
Moment for moment<br>
This was the moment<br>
The greatest moment of them all! <br>
<I>(During the song the set has changed to the lab. Jekyll walks over to the lab table and takes a drink of water. Then he begins to write in his journal.)</I><br>
<b><u>FIRST TRANSFORMATION</u></b><br>
<I>September 13th. 11:56 pm. I have started this alone and I must finish it alone. I know now that I must use myself as the subject of the experiment. </I><br>
I must be wise<br>
I must try to analyze<br>
Each change in me<br>
Everything I see<br>
How will it be? <br>
Will I see the world through <br>
Different eyes? <br>
<I>(He rolls up his sleeve then picks up a vial of glowing red liquid and a syringe. He fills the syringe with the formula.)</I><br>
Like a warning light<br>
Shimmering in red<br>
Like crimson bloodshed<br>
Shimmering in red<br>
Beautiful and strange<br>
See the colors change <br>
Before my eyes<br>
See how they dance and the sparkle<br>
Like diamonds at night<br>
Leading me out of the darkness<br>
And into the light<br>
<I>(He squirts a drop onto a burner and it hisses. Quickly he washes his arm with alcohol and injects the formula. After is if gone he removes the needle then walks back over to his journal.)</I> <br>
<I>It is done. I have injected ten centilitres of the formula HJ7. Pulse rate rapidly increasing. Heat spreading strongly through the veins. A slight feeling of euphoria. Light-headedness. No noticeable behavioral differences. (He laughs for a moment the composes himself.)</I><br>
Now the die is cast<br>
Nothing left to do<br>
Time alone can prove<br>
My theories true<br>
Show the world I--<br>
<I>(He convulses in pain.)</I><br>
My God! <br>
What’s this? <br>
Something is happening<br>
I cant’ explain<br>
Something inside me<br>
A breathtaking pain<br>
Devours, consumes me<br>
And drives me insane! <br>
<I>(He falls to the floor, still convulsing.)</I><br>
Suddenly! Uncontrolled! <br>
Something is taking hold! <br>
Suddenly! Agony! <br>
Filling me, killing me! <br>
Suddenly! Out of breath! <br>
What is this? Is this death? <br>
Suddenly..look at me<br>
Can is be? <br>
Who is this creature…that I see….<br>
<I>(Hyde looks around for a moment then sees the journal. He picks up the pen.) </I><br>
<I>Midnight. Unexpected development. </I><br>
<I>(He grabs a large piece of metal and looks up at the lamps.) Forgive me, Doctor Jekyll. I forgot to put out the light! (He smashes the lamps.) </I><br>
What is this feeling of power and drive? <br>
I’ve never known. I feel alive! <br>
Where does the feeling of power derive?
Making me know why I’m alive<br>
Like the night, it’s a secret<br>
Sinister, dark, and unknown<br>
I do not know what I seek<br>
Yet I’ll seek it alone! <br>
I have a thirst that I cannot deprive<br>
Never have I felt so alive<br>
There is no battle I couldn’t survive<br>
Feeling like this! Feeling alive! <br>
Like the moon, an enigma<br>
Lost and alone in the night<br>
Damned by some heavenly stigma<br>
But blazing with light! <br>
It’s the feeling of being alive! <br>
Filled with evil but truly alive! <br>
It’s a truth that cannot be denied! <br>
It’s the feeling of being Edward Hyde…<br>
<I>(Hyde makes his way to the Red Rat and sees Lucy emerging, counting the night’s earnings.)</I><br>
Wait! <br>
 What’s this? <br>
Sweet miss! <br>
At last I have found you here<br>
Fate! <br>
What bliss! <br>
Sweet miss! <br>
I’ve run you to ground, my dear<br>
<I>He walks over to her and past her but only a few steps. Then he turns and comes closer. Lucy watches him with interest. Then he gently places a hand on her shoulder and pulls her closer and closer to him.)</I><br>
I feel your fingers<br>
Brushing my shoulder<br>
Your tempting touch<br>
As it tingles my spine<br>
Watching your eyes<br>
As they invade my soul<br>
Forbidden pleasures<br>
I’m afraid to make ---<br>
<I>(Hyde grabs her hair and pulls her roughly in for a kiss, laughing before she breaks free and runs.)</I><br>
Animals trapped behind bars in a zoo<br>
Need to run rampant and free! <br>
Predators live by the prey they pursue<br>
This time the predator’s me! <br>
Lust like a raging desire<br>
Fills my whole soul with it’s curse<br>
Burning with primitive fire<br>
Berserk and perverse! <br>
I’ll plunder heaven blind <br>
Steal form all the gods! <br>
I’ll take from all mankind<br>
Conquer all the odds! <br>
And I feel I’ll live on forever! <br>
With Satan himself by my side! <br>
And I’ll show the world that tonight<br>
And forever the name to remember’s <br>
The name Edward Hyde! <br>
What a feeling to be so alive! <br>
I have never seen me so alive! <br>
Such a feeling of evil inside<br>
That’s the feeling of being <br>
Edward Hyde! <br>
<I>(The lights go out. When they come back up we are in Jekyll’s study. Emma and Utterson are standing there, looking worried. Poole enters from the direction of the lab.)</I><br>
<I>I’m sorry, Miss Carew. Doctor Jekyll has given the strictest instructions that he is not to be disturbed under any circumstances. May I give him a message? </I><br>
<I>Just remind him there is more to his life than his work. Myself, for example. </I><br>
<I>A very valid argument, if I may say so, Miss. </I><br>
<I>John, it’s been five days now, he wont’ see me. I’m worried. </I><br>
<I>I am too, Emma, but you know Henry.</I><br>
<I>John, I said I’m worried.</I><br>
<I>I’ll speak to Poole. </I><br>
<I>Thank you. </I><br>
<I>(Emma exits.)</I><br>
<I>Mr. Utterson, as you know, I am completely devoted to Doctor Jekyll, and I do not wish to judge him on charity. But there are extraordinary circumstances of which I feel I must make you aware. Doctor Jekyll has been locked in his laboratory day and night for nearly a week. And he instructed me not to disturb him for any reason, and to leave all his meals by the door. </I><br>
<I>And you have not seen or spoken to him at all during this time?</I><br>
<I>No sir. Not once. </I><br>
<I>Come, Poole. You’d hardly be disloyal in telling me. </I><br>
<I> Yes sir. Well last night, I took him his tray as usual, and I noticed that yesterday’s meal was still untouched. And form inside I heard noises. The strangest noises. And a voice I did not recognize. Well, I hear him, or it, or whatever it was behind that door, weeping like an animal or a lost soul, crying out for some sort of medicine. </I><br>
<I>Poole! (Jekyll runs in with a note.) Poole, I need you to go to Bisset the apothecary and get me these chemicals. Now, Poole, now!</I><br>
<I>(Poole exits leaving Utterson and Jekyll alone.)</I><br>
<I>Henry? What in the devil’s name has happened to you?</I><br>
<b><u>HIS WORK AND NOTHING MORE</b></u><br>
John, I don’t need you to turn on me as well<br>
More than ever now I need a friend. <br>
Can’t you see and don’t you know I’ve been through hell. <br>
Don’t condemn what you don’t understand. <br>
Henry, I’m not questioning your motives here<br>
But is what you are seeking worth the price? <br>
You’ve turned your back on everything you once held dear. <br>
You’re choosing to ignore your friend’s advice. <br>
You have your work<br>
And nothing more<br>
You are possessed<br>
What is your demon?<br>
You’ve never been <br>
This way before<br>
You’ve lost the fire<br>
You built your dream on<br>
There’s something strange <br>
There’s something wrong<br>
I see a change<br>
It’s like when hope dies<br>
I who have known<br>
You for so long<br>
I see the pain in your eyes<br>
There was a time               <center>Have</center><br>
You lived your life            <center>I </center><br>
And no one lived              <center>be-</center><br>
The way that you did        <center>come</center><br>
You had a plan                  <center>my </center><br>
You found a wife               <center>work </center><br>
You saw your world           <center>and nothing </center><br>
As very few did                  <center>more</center><br>
You had it all                   <center>I </center><br>
The overall                      <center>know</center><br>
You seemed to know       <center>that’s</center><br>
Just what to live for         <center>not</center><br>
But now it seems             <center>what </center><br>
You don’t at all               <center> I’m </center><br>
You have your work        <center>living </center><br>
Nothing more                  <center>for</center><br>
<I>(Emma and her father walk in, but are not actually in Henry’s study.)</I><br>
 Father, you know Henry won’t just walk away<br>
The only way he knows is straight ahead<br>
Emma, you’ve not heard a single word I’ve said<br>
My fear is he’s in over his head<br>
He could loose control, and that I dread<br>
There has been talk<br>
They say he’s gone to far<br>
He’s locked himself away in his own world<br>
Pursuing this insanity<br>
It is his work<br>
It’s more than work<br>
He is obsessed<br>
The man is driven<br>
Just give him time<br>
I ask no more<br>
His work’s a crime<br>
To be forgiven<br>
There’s something strange<br>
Unless I’m blind<br>
I see a change<br>
Of a bizarre kind<br>
There’s not at all<br>
Don’t be unkind<br>
The problem’s all in your mind<br>
Danvers:                                 Utterson:                             Jekyll:<br>
He has his work                         Have                                 Emma!<br>
And nothing more                      you<br>
He is obsessed                            be-<br>
The man is driven                       come<br>
Emma: <br>
Just give him time                       your                                 Emma!<br>
I ask no more                              work<br>
His work’s a crime                      and nothing <br>
To be forgiven                            more <br>
There’s something strange          I                                       And I will <br>
Unless I’m blind                          know                                prove if I’m<br>
I see a change                             that’s                                ever per-<br>
Of a bizarre kind                         not                                   mitted to<br>
That’s not at all                           what                                  things are not<br>
Dont’ be unkind                          you’re                                wrong just be-
The problem’s all in your mind   living for                             cause they are new<br>
<b>Emma/Danvers:             <center>Jekyll/Utterson</center></b><br>
Still I pray                            <center>I </center><br>
Every day                              <center>pray</center><br>
Henry may                           <center>I/You </center><br>
Find his way                          <center>may</center><br>
I pray                                    <center>find</center><br>
He may                                <center>my/your</center><br>
Find his way                         <center>way</center><br>
I will pray                           <center>I </center><br>
Every day                           <center>pray</center><br>
Henry may                         <center>I/You<center><br>
Find his way                      <center>may</center><br>
I pray                                 <center>find</center><br>
He may                                <center>my/your</center><br>
Find his way!                     <center>way!</center><br>
<I>(All exit except for Jekyll. Poole enters the study.)</I><br>
<I>A young woman to see you, sir. The kind one can’t mistake. She is without an appointment so I can send her away.</I><br>
<I>Well send her away.</I><br>
<I>Yes sir. I cannot imagine how she came to have your visiting card.</I><br>
<I>I will see her.</I><br>
<I>(Poole shows Lucy in then leaves.)</I>. <br>
<I>I’m the one you met in the pub that night, remember? Lucy…Lucy Harris. </i.> <br>
<I>Yes, of course. What brings you here?</I><br>
<I>You said if I ever needed a friend…</I><br>
<I>(She turns her back to him and unbuttons her top and lowers part of it to expose her right shoulder. He gasps and runs over to her.)</I><br>
<I>Pretty, isn’t it? And this one enjoyed ‘imself doin; it.</I><br>
<I>Please…please sit down. </I><br>
<I>(He guides her to a small chair and then goes to prepare stuff to clean her shoulder up)</I><br>
<I>This sort of thing ‘appens where I come from. But you don’t expect it from a gentleman. </I><br>
<I>A gentleman? What sort of a monster would do something like this?</I><br>
<I>I won’t forget ‘is name in a hurry. Hyde he called ‘imself. Edward Hyde.</I><br>
<I>(Jekyll looks stunned for a moment then regains his composure.)</I><br>
<I>Why come to me?</I><br>
<I>You gave me your name. I never ‘ad someone like you be nice to me before.</I><br>
<I>Well, why didn’t you go to the police?</I><br>
<I>The police? You’re jokin’. What with ‘im bein’ a gent, who’s gonna listen to me? I’d be afraid of what he might do if he found out. He ain’t human. He’s a beast. (Jekyll accidentally causes her to wince in pain as he cleans her wound. Concerned he looks at her.) He’s not like you at all…(he pauses then continues to clean her shoulder)</I><br>
Sympathy, tenderness<br>
Warm as the summer<br>
Offer me their embrace<br>
Friendliness, gentleness<br>
Strangers to my life<br>
They are there in his face<br>
Goodness <br>
And sweetness and kindness<br> 
Abound in this place<br>
I am <br>
In love with the things<br>
That I see in his face<br>
It’s a memory I know time<br>
Will never<br>
<I>(Jekyll kneels after bandaging her shoulder and gently runs his hand over her shoulder. On impulse she takes his hand and kisses his palm, then puts her arms around himand kisses him. After a moment of hesitation he pulls her close…then reluctantly breaks the kiss.)</I><br>
<I>Take care of yourself, Miss Harris.</I><br>
<I>Always try.</I><br>
<I>(Jekyll stands and looking confused he leaves.)</I><br>
I peer through windows<br>
Watch life go by<br>
Dream of tomorrow<br>
And wonder why<br>
The past is holding me<br>
Keeping life at bay<br>
I wander lost in yesterday<br>
Wanting to fly<br>
But scared to try<br>
But if someone like you<br>
Found someone like me<br>
Then suddenly<br>
Nothing would ever be the same<br>
My heart would take wing<br>
And I’d feel so alive<br>
If someone like you found me<br>


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<center>Email: <a href="mailto:christned@aol.com"> christned@aol.com</a></center>
