Anyhoo, back to the first night I saw the show. That night I decided to get all fancy adn dressed in my best. I did my hair up elaborately in a french twist with curls. And my bangs were curled to frame my face. I'll get a pic up soon when I get it scanned. Then I was dressed in an elegant dark green dress and I actually wore heels. (I really hate heels!!!) I was excited about seeing the show (I had heard wonderful things about it) but I was also depressed. The day before (my b-day) I had just found out that I hadn't made the callback list for Evita, the musical that my college is doing now. I was ready to give up singing and forget about ever being on stage.
That night I changed my mind. Seeing the breathtaking performances, heartbreaking songs...and the magic that the performers created reminded that I simply couldn't give up on my dream. I had to be up there. After the show I went with a small crowd to the stage door of the theatre. I had been told that the leading man, Chuck Wagner, would be signing autographs.
So I hung out in the cold and caught Sharon Brown (Lucy) as she went out. She was quite nice about signing my playbill before moving on. And I waited with so many others for Chuck and Andrea to come out. When Chuck finally did it took a push from my friend to actually get my feet moving toward him, holding out my program and playbill. But even after that I didn't leave. The other leading lady Andrea Rivette (Emma) had yet to emerge. So I stayed, watching and listening as fans conversed with Chuck. But I'm shy, I hung back the entire time.
Andrea appeared and apologized for taking so long. But she too, was so kind. She even complimented my coat. (that was cool) It was worth the wait to see her. Then as I knew that it was finally time for me to head out of there ( I had class the next day, 3 performing classes and it was really late) I gathered all the courage I had to walk up and ask if I could shake his hand. Well, not only did he shake it, but, being a gentleman, he kissed my hand as well. (I'm a sucker for a man who will do that....course I also fall for men who are tall, dark, handsome and dangerous). Then, high on adreneline I asked for a hug, which I recieved. As I walked back to my place on the outskirts, he complimented my appearance (talk about a self-esteem booster). And blushing to high heaven I smiled and thanked him and walked away, smiling.
Well, I was giddy all that night and the next day. I walked around and sat in class with this grin on my face. Lindsey, the only other flute player in my wind ensmble class laughed at me. And most people found it amusing. But I was in heaven. Later I actually got the courage to post a message on the board at his site. Which he replied to and he remembered me! Braver now, I wrote an email, and again I recieved a reply. I knew then that I had to get to the theatre Sunday for that last performance.
Sunday came and I watched speechless from my seat. Many things were so much closer now. The thrusting during "Dangerous Game" (*sigh*, *melt*), and other things. (so that's very prominent in my mind, so sue) After the show I once again braved the cold winds and crowds to get to the stage door. This time though, there were many people there. I actually got a picture of Sharon and I(I did bring a camera) and before Chuck could disappear I managed to catch him. He remembered me still (wow, that was so cool) He signed a few playbills that i planned to give to my friends and the jacket to his cd that I had bought for my listening pleasure (most definately pleasure) And I got a picture of him and me. Then he was gone...... Unfortunately I did not get a pic of Andrea because she had left the night of the 26th. I was lucky to have seen her before she left.
After that I was so in love with the whole show that I became desperate to see it again even though it had just gone to San Diego. Well, I checked the next city (LA) and decided that I would see if there was a ticket left for the last performance in LA. To my surprise there was an excellent seat still available. Second row orchestra, dead center. As I joke I told my dad that to see the show again would perk me up to no end. He took me seriously and bought the ticket against my mom's objections. We drove down just to see the show and once again I was happy. After the show I met the conductor Cosmo and talk for a brief moment before running outside. I had another pic of Sharon, Andrea and Chuck by the time that I left.
I came home and was told that that was it, and that there was no chance that I would see the show again. Well, I just got back from Atlanta and from seeing the show 4 times in a row. An excellent trip...I enjoyed seeing Chuck, Andrea and Cosmo again. And I'm aiming for Portland next (or somewhere else before then)
Jekyll & Hyde has moved to the No. 2 slot in my list of fave musicals. (yes, Phantom is still first) I mean, I had listened to it many times before (the concept album, and the Broadway) but seeing it and hearing Chuck's voice (he has an amazing simply made it more real. He and Andrea and Sharon have magic up there.
Okay, so yeah, I'd like to see Chuck again. He's charming, good-looking, and kind. But I'd actually like to see the show again. That's how wonderful it is. So if you are reading this and haven't seen it yet, check and see if the U.S. Tour will be coming near you. Then go see it. Go meet the cast members afterwards (hey, I met them and that meant standing in the middle of the night in one of the bad parts of SF). Trust me, it will be worth it.
Well, I've finally added a piece of fan fic, and i'm working on typing up the entire libretto from the tour version. I have it written out by hand, so now it's just time consuming typing it and making sure all the html tags are there. So I promise I'll get it all up asap.
The pics (well, just one currently)
My J&H fan fic (updated 12/30/99)
Act I of the U.S. Tour libretto (updated 12/8/99)