The Marvelous Mom

Okay....times ot honor my wwonderful mother. I love you Mommy!!! Now be proud of her, she has put up with me for almost 19 years now. And though I'm sure everyoen agrees she's not all here...she's still walkign and talking. So for a blonde, she's normal. (what am I saying? I'm a blonde!)

I'll get a picture of her up soon. She looks a lot like me. (well, that ought ot be the other way around, but who really cares?) She is an awesome woman who has no webpage for you to surf to. I guess I'll have to make one for her.

I really dont' have much time to write at the moment, but I did want to get this little bit up before I have to go for the evening. SO You'll soon get to read all about my mom. Aren't you excited?

My Favorite Web Sites

My dad, Larry
The pest, Travis
Out of this nuthouse
