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The Parable of Luke

It was the fourth day of grudation, and the prophets spake to luke. "Lard" they said. "lard, lard and thrice lard". Knowing the prophets to be wise, luke took this to heart and wandered the land saying "lard" to every person that he met.

The 378th person luke spoke "lard" to, happened to be wearing a uniform. A nice shiny blue(ish) uniform. Luke, unaware of the implications of his action walked on. The person in the nice shiny blue(ish) uniform, looked at luke with a curious glint in the eye.

Luke by this time had said lard to a octargenarian, a skinhead and a small girl. The person in the nice shiny blue(ish) uniform took great note of this fact, and set off (by coincidence) in the direction of Luke.

Luke then spent several happy minutes (possibly his last) speaking the word to a nice man in a suit handing out leaflets. The transcription is as follows:
Luke: Lard?
Nice man in suit: Greetings, may I give you a leaflet?
Luke: Lard!
Nice man in suit: Have you felt the light of christ in your heart?
Luke: Lard.
Nice man in suit: Perhaps you would like a leaflet detailing the good that God brings to the world?
Luke: Lard...
Person in the nice shiny blue(ish) uniform: Are you being bothered, sir?
Nice man in suit: *looks at Luke*
Luke: Lard.

At which point the person in the nice shiny blue(ish) uniform decided enough was in fact enough, and grabbed Luke by the arms. "Lard", luke cried having been taught that to obey prophets was good. The person in the nice shiny blue(ish) uniform promptly put nice shiny silver handcuffs on Luke.

The person in the nice shiny blue(ish) uniform then lent into the radio hanging off the nice shiny blue(ish) shirt and said "Control, bringing in a weirdo."

Luke was last seen being lead off by the person in the nice shiny blue(ish) uniform. The moral of this story being, whilst listening to prophets should be done, Lard is a word best spoke in private.

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