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Where Has All The Time Gone?

Joshua Scott Chasez

Well, after 'N Sync falls apart JC stay's in the music business, becoming a lounge act. When his tips began to waver because without the constant dancing his rock hard bod began to sag. He decided to do something that had never been done before and sing naked. he became world famous and now lives with Juan, the pool boy, on the outskirts of Las Vegas.

James Lance Bass

Lance became a......well......I don't know quite frankly. He's the one in the middle with his friend Howie D. on the left, and Ike Hanson on the right.

Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick

Chris becomes tired of always being seen as the unpopular one and decides to let the public see a different side of him. He becomes one of the hottest male strippers in Orlando, but much to his dismay he developes a huge homosexual following, women it seems are still turned off by him. Chris goes hiking in the woods outside Orlando, a year later this picture is found

And then they ate him.

Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr.

When the enevitable end to 'N Sync comes Joey is stalked for three years by two girls known as "The Southern M & M's", Joey goes clinicly insane. He decides to have a sex change in order to hide his image. He gets a job at a famous drag queen restaurant in New Orleans, Lucky Changs (yes, CHANGS, Megan!), not knowing that one of his avid stalkers is a frequent visitor to the place. His secret identity is discovered. Poor "Josephina" is raped by Molly, heels on and all.
