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Rabid BSB Fans Attack

Well, the BSB fans must have had a lot of time on their hands during the Christmas holiday, because we got some of the most absurd e-mails/hate-mails ever. My comments to their stupidity will be in Red Italics

To, well I don't really care about your name.
Are you blind ar there is a thing called spell check in the world you know, and I think you missed a comma use somewhere in there sweetheart. have at least some kind of sight defect? Joey and Chris- they look like carni folk. I can not for the life of me understand how people can honestly look at N*sync and feel actual love for what the guys do. At least the BSB were slightly original, can you say this about N*Sync and mean it. Come on, you honestly can listen to Giddy- up and Space Cowboy and not see the originality there??? No one else would ever sing something that stupid. The BSB were formed by Pearlman, suprise suprise, N*Sync were quick to follow. Then BSB left and sued. As did N*Sync. Finally the BSB hooked up with jive- oh and look who followed, N*Sync. It's like Mark Whalberg said, N*Sync should start to save the money, they've simply not got what it takes to last a lifetime.
Anyway, I leave now. Use this all you want and know that you can call me what you want I know, I’ll call you ill educated, because you lack considerable sentence structure. but I only speak the truth. Live with it. Bye!
P.S, I'm anything but retarded and you're the idiot. I'm also not really a BSB fan but I would sooner look at they're pretty faces than those of N*Sync anyday.
So if your not a fan, then why search for fan pages on the internet?????

Well, as you can see, she told us. I wrote her back and went on and on (using big words) about how her arguments were matters of opinion and that she was the one being psycho, for writing random pages, this is the letter she wrote back.


Hi, remember me? Just to clarify a few points with you. Firstly, your sight it does say that any BSB fan that bothers to e-mail you is retarded and an idiot. that’s right, bothers to e-mail us. Only weirdos would e-mail a page and be hateful to them. So I guess you were calling me an idiot but wait, you don't know me.. I did not question the personalties of the guys but only the looks. At the end of the day, there has to be some form of physical attraction but I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so I apoligize for offending your taste. I only wrote the letter because I don't see your need to trash the BSB on your website. By all means, love N Sync but there is no need to call the BSB or their fans. Call them What??? I am not normally the one to write these kind of letters to web sites but it annoyed me that you have to slag of other boybands in order to make your chosen favourite appear supirior. This has got to be my favorite sentence, not only does it not make much sense (“slag”?) but the spelling is atrocious, I love it. I'm sorry to have upset you You didn’t “upset” me little girl, you entertained me beyond description. but I can't help the way I feel about those who boycott others. Don't worry I won't be visiting your page again but I do apoligize for some of the comments I made. Bye!
P.S. have a nice christmas

See what you can get by being nice to people. I try to kill people with kindness in my letters while eloquently stating my point of view at the same time. But how old could this girl really be?? She must be quite young to base her opinion of people completely on looks alone. If attraction was bases on physical appearance only, then we would no longer have a population problem because no one would be having sex.


Ok, this is a different kid, but funny all the same.

okay.....aaron has talent!!! Just b/c u prob dont have any Actually I have talents, I just can not broadcast them on the internet, I’ll never get any sleep. and have no life your right, I have no life. I got to College, I pay bills, I’m working my ass off to get into Grad school, I don’t have time for a life. It must be nice living in mommy and daddy’s house where you don’t have to pay rent or buy groceries, I wish that was my life. there is no reason to write this make up shit about Aaron. There are some people out there make that lots of people that LOVE aaron to death, and i would be one of them!!! Does this make sense to anyone???? Nope, didn’t think so. Okay? So why dont you get a life. I maen what did this page take u 2 days to do? You waste like 2 days on this bull shit!!! What does it say for you??? You wasted 5 minutes to write a letter to this page.

You know, I’m wondering where this came from. Why are Aaron Carter fans coming to my page in the first place?? Are they on crack??? I think they would have to be to like that whiney kid anyway.


Different girl, basically the same letter, only a little more entertaining.

if you had any respect for nick, who you claim to be in love with, then you would also respect members of nick's family and things that are dear to him...not just your own selfish wants. It's obvious you don't want nick and aaron to be close and u try to twist around pictures and say that nick hates his own brother. That's really stupid. If you really "do your homework" on Nick, you'd see that he loves Aaron and he will always be there for him. Yeah, it's true that Nick helped Aaron start his career. And what a fin job he did. Aaron is awesome and takes after his brother Nick in a bunch of positive ways. You should be proud that Nick has paved the way for his brother instead of being a bitch. Cuz that's what your entire webpage is making u look like.
Well hell, now I’m a bitch. My roommate told me I was a bitch the other night, but he loves me and it’s a term of endearment (I hope.) You know what struck me about this letter, her tone. The way she was talking, it seemed like I was the Yoko Ono of the Carter family. I was a Nick lover and I was trying to ship the little Aaron brat off to boot camp. Reading this gave me an awakening about human nature that I just might do my senior thesis on, that this girl is the Captain Bligh of the world and people like me are the Fletcher Christians, pretty soon I’m going to set you adrift and throw plants at you. (Ok, strange metaphor. If you don’t know what I’m talking about read Mutiny on the Bounty.)
If anyone else out there would like to attack us, please feel free to do so. We actually live for it. It's what makes us get up in the morning. Thanks for all the laughs.

Here's a little something I wrote just to piss people off, I hope you like IT
