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I've Got A New Favorite

Ok, I have made it official, my new favorite member of *N Sync is Christopher Allen Kirckpatrick. Now I know what your thinking, "Megan what about your loveably little cow Joey?" Well I still like Joey but I tend to like them a little more interesting and with a higher IQ. Chris is older (And that means "EXPERIANCE" if you get my meaning.), he's gone to college (And actually has a degree), not to mention that now he has normal hair he is so completly georgeous. Besides how can you not like a guy who has a dog that looks like this?

It's got a name, I just forget what it is. It's his brand new puppy. Ok, so If I were going to get a dog I might buy one just a little bigger, but this is sweet and cute so I'll let him get away with it. So in the future, expect an enormous amount of gushing about Chris.
