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The Best stuff on the Web

Yo homes, chech dis ere stuff out if ya like dis page

Here's our nifty banner that Sus made, thanks girl. Feel free to use it if you want .

(center)(a href="")(IMG SRC="
Remember to change all the ('s to >'s

Ok, This can also be seen as our awards page, I'll only put up sites that I think are good, and therefore deserve a place of honor on the web. If you have a page you would like to nominate for this then by all means send it to us and one of us will check it out.


We Like Girls ~ The grandaddy of humor pages. This one started the trend and is definatly one of the best.

Giddy For 'N Sync ~ My favorite page on the web, these girls are too funny

For all the JC and Justin lovers out there. It's also our sister site.

Geeky guys at: Nsync's Got It Goin' On!
This is another great page. These girls put in alot of time to make one of the best pages on 'N Sync.


First of all, this is by far the coolest banner I have ever seen. You guys are going to think I'm corney but I read all of these. I even cry (Yeah, Yeah, laugh all you want) You gotta read these. They are by far the best FanFics I have found.

Morgy 'N Baby's *N SYNC Universe This girl runs the Against teenyboppers drive and her stories are great. This is where you go to find the other half of the "Grand Idea".

Orlando Heat This is a very cool story so far. It's also known as "The Neverending Story." So that means its long, which I like. I highly recommend this one. Also go through this site and find "Rising Stars" by Jen. I'm too lazy to put up that link right now, but it's a good story. She's also the webmaster of "Just Thrust It."

This girl is just too good. She kicks some ass. Go here, NOW!

I'm addicted to this girl's stories. She's pretty damn good.


The New Mix 96STO
~ Only the best radio station in the world. My tuner hasn't been moved for three months.

Sorry, I couldn't pass this one up. Have you guys seen this stuff? It's um..... interesting.

Sorry, I couldn't resist, I need all of you to develop a love for my new found obsession also.