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Family Feud

Hi ya'll it's Megan and have we got something great for you. Someone sent this to us about a week ago and so I decided to post it. It's your normal BSB is great and 'N Sync are stupid and fat. None of the errors are mine, this is how I got it so don't bitch about punctuation or grammer or anything else. If you have any problems take it up with her, not me. Enjoy

~Family Fued~

One guy: hello and welcome to FAMILY FUED! Todays family's are The Backstreet Boys! ::audience cheers:: and N sync! ::most of the audience boos:: Lets go over to the Backstreet boys, you are?
Brian: pst! nick he's talkin' to ya!
Nick: Huh?
One guy: What's your name?
Nick: Kid Nicky!
One guy: right.......ok the guy that helped him with his own name! Whats yours?
Brian: ::glares:: Brian!
One guy: ::looks at Aj:: Well? What's your name?
Aj: Duh Aj
Howie: Sweet D!
Kevin: ............. I ......................... am ................................. Kevin ...................... Rich .................... ard ..................... son ...... ... ::takes deep breath:: ................ Brian ................... is ....................... my ...................... cousin ..... ......
Howie: Yah! and We're the Backstreet Boys ::Everyone looks at him:: well we ARE!
One guy: right..........on to nsync! You! Whats your name?
Justin: YO! I bez Justin!
Chirs: Chris!
Brian: A.J! NO! God will punish you! Stop!
Aj.: WTF? Isn't he gonna anywayz?
Lance: Hey Aj.. ::bats eyelashes::
Nick: I told you! I'm Kid Nick-ay!
::everyone ignores him::
Joey:: I'm........::finishes 4 peice of pizza:: Joey!
one guy: urgh.......I'm gonna be sick.....
J.C: I'm the normal one in this group........jeezes..........OH! I'm J.c! ::smiles at everyone:: ::crowd awww!::
Lance: I'm Lance!
Nick: **Cough** girl **cough**
Lance: Excuse me?
One guy: Alright time to begin! Nick, Chia pet come up here!
Justin: yo! I'm be no Chia pet!
One guy: What would you find on a one dollar bill?
One guy: Chia pet?
Justin: Yo! I told ya foo' I ani't no Chia PEt!
One guy: Sorry Nick?
Nick: the num ber one?
One guy: correct! Will you play it?
Brian: Of course!
One guy: AIght Brian what would you-
Brian: George Washington!
One guy: didn't let me finish but correct!
Aj: That thingy that says "In God we trust" what ever THAT means...
One guy: correct!
Brian: means-
Howie: You'd see that bar code!
One guy: correct!
Kevin: ............. you'd ......... see ................................ ::thinks:: ....... ..... the .......... color ............ green
One guy: yes!You got all! Man! 1000 pts already! Ok... on to Round 2! The points are doubled in this game! Brian! Chris Come up here! ::Brian walks up there Chris runs::
One guy: What do girls fear will happen at thier weddin'?
One guy: yes Brian?
Brian: That the groom will be a no show.
One guy: Yes! Will you play?
(( 3 more to guess)
A.J.: Yes one guy: What do girls fear will happen at their weddin'?
Aj.: That the FOOD will be a no show.
One guy: um.....well thats kinda whats on the board...::looks at judge:: Aight you got it! Howie what do girls fear will happen at thier weddin's?
Howie: see....that...... ::takes 5 mins.::
One guy: sorry! Times up! it goes to Nsync.
Justin: Foo' it'd be-
Joey: ....::is too bizzy eating to notice whats happening::
One guy: um.....ok well the points go to BSB cause Joey was too bizzy eating [Unable to display image]
One Guy: Ok the last question to see who wins...::mummbles:: oh i wonder who... O.k Here's the question Who has sold more than 1 thousand records!
Aj: Ohh N sync!
One guy: Ahh dang yes your right! Sorry N sync you lost! BSB your going on! Pick two people to answer the next question!
::get into a circle::
Brian: I think I should!
Nick: Nooooo I wanna let mmmmeeee!!!!
Aj: Urgh Nick stop yo whinning!
Kevin: Well.....I don't.........wanna.....
Howie: **wink** Well I don't!
Aj: Its between Nick, Brian, ME! I vote ME.
Howie: Well i think brian should.
Kevin: Yah Brian
Nick: AHhh ME memeemememememeemememe ME!!! CHOSE ME!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin: NICK!
Kevin: I-
Nick: Yah! go me go me! ::runs up to one guy:: its me and Brian!!!!!!!!!!!
One guy: Right......well.......ok... Nick? Go backstage and when Brians done you will come out and answer the same thing ok?
Nick: Ya ok! ::runs back stage and trips:: OW!
One guy: Aight Brian give me the top ten answers! What do most ppl put ketchup on?
Brian: hotdogs,burgers,frys, um......meatloafs, .....
One guy: Sorry times up lets look at the board
1) HOTDOGS ::crowd cheers::
2) Frys ::crowd chants Brian Brian::
5) Burgers
Crowd: Ohhhh
One guy: Ok Now Nick! Come on out! The question is What do most ppl put ketchup on?
Nick: Sandwitch, little brothers ::looks at camrea and smiles::, oohh FOOD! ::stops and thinks:: no wait ..I just messed didn't I?
One guy: time up lets look at the board....
3) Sandwitch
10) Little brothers
4) Food
One guy: wow he was right...weird... ok so you guys got 1200 pts! So all togeter thats....dang who can count? ::silence:: ok well till next time!
BSB: ::sings:: Lookin back on the things I've done i was trying to be someone play my part keep you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart!!!