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Aaron Carter? What The Hell?

Look, even Nick hates him. How can the love of my life be related to that?

I just saw something on tv and I just have to comment on it. Rosie has just gone off and I turned to PBS but that MMC wannabe show Zoom was on. I hate that show!!!! Anyway, they say something about a day in the life of a superstar, so I was like "Ok, I wonder who this will be, Tinkey Winkey?" Yeah, I wish.

It was none other than the little brother of my secret lover Aaron Carter. I have a few observations that I want to share with all of you about this experiance.

First, most of his fans looked about 16. There was this one girl that was going into hysterics about getting his autograph, and she seriously looked 17. HELLO!!!!!!! You are old enough to be his mother. How old is he, 10?

Then they showed his parents. What the hell was his mom wearing? It looked like a blue grabage bag with biking shorts. And if ya wanna know what my boo Nick is going to look like in 30 years, look at his dad. Gee, do they look alike. But that leaves me to wonder exactly who are Aaron's parents? This kid looks nothing like these people.

Oh yeah, and there were mom's screaming for this kid. They were like "Aaron, I love you. Will you please marry my 20 year old daughter." Come on people, this is a kid riding on his brothers fame. He would be nothing without Nick. He can't even come up with some origional songs, he only does remakes! What is that?!?!?!?!?

Ok, I think I am done complaining for now. But more than likley I will think of more. I will leave you with this thought, dosen't he remind you of Mcauly Culkin in "The Good Son."

You guys had better appericate this picture because I had to go to an Aaron Carter fan page *shudder* to get it. But dosen't Nick look good in it?

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