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Why, Amber, Why?

Amber, I love you and I just can't get over you.

Even though you don't love me anymore Amber I want to know why you choose this guy over me?

Look, he has the biggest teeth I have ever seen, why do you want to be with him?

Remember this? This is when you first loved me. Can we go back to the way things were?

Was it her baby? She was nothing to me, I was just missing you when I paid for her two new friends. Really sweety, I'll buy you some if you want. I'll do anything for you.

You once loved my tongue. Now Megan tells me that you think it's gross when I stick it out all the time. What have I done wrong baby?

Look how you make me baby. This is how I have looked since my little Tinker Bell flew the coup.

Hello Amber, will you please forget about that Backdoor boy and come back to me? We can watch the Disney Concert all day again, just like we once did. All i want is for you to love me again.
