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Megan's Newest Obsession


For those of you who havent heard of these guys you don't know what your missing.

Not only are they hot, but they can sing too. I don't know much about them (I can't find a damn offical site, I got these pics. off of do know that they have become the biggest selling british act of 1999, and that they have collaborated with Jay-Z and GhostFace Killah of Wu Tang.

I bought their single at Wal-Mart (I'm a big spender, can ya tell?)and I love it. Summertime is the name of their single and the American Debut should be out soon. I also love the other song on the single called I Can See You In My Mind It really reminds me of 98*. All of you need to go out and get this, it's worth anything you have to do for it.
