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We are "Retarded Idiots"

center>We received an e-mail today, that is only one in a long string of e-mails we have received calling us, amongst other things, “idiots,” “retarded,” and my personal favorite, “blind.” But this particular letter bothered me for some reason. This particular girl thought it was her place to inform Molly and I that we had picked the wrong band to follow. Apparently, in her opinion, the BSB were a far better choice in the search for a teen idol. I began to wonder what the kind of person this girl must be to write us e-mail and force her opinion on us. I know that I would never write a personal fan page and chastise them because they like a different style of music than I do. I would never tell a country music fan that they were dumb for liking country music, so why do BSB fans feel they need to convert the world?

I do like the BSB, but I have managed to grow up a little (I am 20 for gods sake.) I now see that Nick really has an obnoxious voice, and all the guys are trying to hard to be stylish. That, more than their music, has caused my complete devotion to ‘N Sync. Because no matter what I feel like I have watched those guys grow up right in front of my eyes. I saw their first performance on TRL Wanna Be A VJ. I watched the Disney concert the night it first came on while talking to my best friend Amber on the phone. I think my comments were something like, “What’s with that guy in the camo?” and “Wow, the effeminate one sure can sweat.” And over the years, though my video collection has not been growing, I still hold my love for ‘N Sync. College took a toll on my devotion, though it is still there.

My story for the BSB is far different though. I never really like them a whole heck of a lot. Amber brought me the CD from Arizona while I was still in high school. I thought all their songs sounded the same and I developed a teenybopper crush on Nick (though I still think he’s hot, if only he was a mute.) I bought Millennium, and it’s a good CD, but their new “look” caused me to leave them in the dust, not to mention their obvious dislike of their peers in the pop category.

I actually don’t know what I have been saying, and it probably doesn’t make any sense. But the point I was trying to get across is that some people like chocolate ice cream and some like peppermint. We don’t call you idiots, so don’t call us retarded.
