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Chest Fuzz? What Cosmo Says.

I'm sitting here looking at Cosmopolitan's July issue and they had an article called "The Buzz On His Chest Fuzz". I know all of you wanna know what it says about our little 'N Syncers, so Here it is.

Lush Loverboy: "Don't let his looks fool you. One study showed a connection between excessive body hair and extra intelligence. And an abondant of body hair has been linked to high teatosterone levels, it shouts sexual power" Whoa Chris, I never knew you shouted sexual power.

Average Joe: "Along with the likes of Ben Affleca and his sidekick Matt Damon, the majority of the male population falls into this modest-hair catagory. And true to his pec hair, he is likley to be all-American average when it comes to sex drive." Gee, does that mean all the time? All of the "All-American" guys I know think about it all the time. No wonder Joey flirts so much.

Lance and JC:
Boy Wonder: "Guys with prepubescent chests arn't babies when it comes to commitment. Feminine looking men are more likely to stick around and help raise the children." I am totally not making that one up. Even Cosmo knows the truth about Lance.

Waxed Warrior: "Men who sport a waxed or shaved chest are concerned with body image, sometimed to the point of narcissism."Ok, I don't think that Justin shaves his chest but this was the closest thing I could find. But come on, you gotta admit that what it says makes alot of sense, "Concerned with Body image," "Narcissism." If that isn't J-Dawg then I don't know what is.
