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Brian And Lance? You Bet Their Alike

When people talk about The BSB and 'N Sync they tend to pair off certain members (ex: Justin & Nick, AJ & Chris) in most instances people put JC & Brian together and Lance & Kevin together. Well, I disagree with that all together. If you want my oppinion I think that

should definatly be in the same catagory. Here's why,

1)Neither one is the favorite but they tend to hold their own and get their share of the fans

2)They are by far the best dressers in both groups. They have the modern classy look down.

3)They are both very pretty. I think I would go to far to call them hot, but handsom fits them very well.

4)Their the sickly skinny ones

5) And last but not least, they both have the fakest looking girlfriends in the world
