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You went to WHAT???

Well, Sunday night I attended the coughbritneyspearscough concert. Why you ask? Well, I kinda like her music. I liked it more when I got the tickets, but..wait a sec...I don't have to prove a damn thing to you people, so moving on. Ok, so the show had 4 freaking suck ass opening acts. So bear with we while I complain, k?

This is a group of four 13 year old girls. Ok, I'm sorry but why the hell? They were singing words that were too old for them and they were WAY too peppy for me.

Michael Fredo:
Well, this boy isnt all that great. He was annoying, too. And he started off with a jacket and shirt. By the second song it was just his shirt and by the 3rd and last song he was shirtless. Well woohoo, sell your body, dude, not your music. That's the way to do it. Oh, one more thing, Michael Fredo is bad luck. I was filming this show and during his performance some damn glow stcik dude came up and said he had to take my tape...bastard. And my friend really wants this, so if anyone out there has been to a Britney Spears concert and taped it, email me @

This is a group of 3 girls and 2 guys. One was acting so gay I was about to run up on hte stage and beat him. Every 5 seconds he would do this gay ass wave and blow kisses. These people were annoying, too. And only one girl really did the singing.

YAWN! Sorry, didn't like these fallas either. And they were also selling sex appeal. Bumpin and grindin all over the place. At one point it looked like my friend was about to fall asleep. I personally thought they sucked. But I strangely knew the words to one of there songs...I have no idea how--maybe too much of The Box for me.

Miss Britney Spears:
Okay, I like her. I think she's talented. I'm sure Megan's screaming in horror right now, but oh well. She wasn't bad, she didn't lip synch. She sang "Nasty" by Janet Jackson and she was in black leather--I could've done without that, but otherwise, she put on a real good show. Oh, and I found this on some person's site and I just wanted to put it in, they have the same thoughts as me.
