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Stupid BSB

Now I'm sure you all saw the MTV music awards (and to those of you who didn't, don't worry, it sucked). Well, chris Rock was really ragging on some people (I really like chris Rock, but last night he was just mean) and pointedly, the BSB. He said something along the lines of "Backstreet Boys? Ooh, the backstreets! Isn't that too close to New Kids On the Block?? We all know how that story ends up" Or something like that. So on the radio this morning they said the BSB took it perosnally and htey played a clip of them talking backstage. This man is speaking:

Well, he talks about how they've been together for 7 years and they've been very successful, defends himself like he's God himself, blah blah blah. Well? What the problem you ask? The clip finished with "And then we all know who came along next" Well, mister asshole, sorry 5 other guys came along and showed you up (at least in my opinion). What a shmuck. I heard this and my mouth dropped. He has some bizalls on him. Now I have never heard 'N Sync EVER say ANYTHING bad about them. So what if they're group similar to yours. There's lots of groups and bands like that. So buck up ass and live with it. Kevin used to be my favorite backstreet boy, now he's up on my shit list. Y'all may think I am over reacting, but he really didn't need to say that. It was very low. Thank you very much.
