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BSB vs. 'N Sync

Have any of you noticed how much the BSB have been copying 'N Sync these days? Lets see, 'N Sync makes a video for their moms, then the BSB sings a song for their moms. 'N Sync flies during Sailing, and the BSB fly on their new tour. I'll tell you now that I like 'N Sync just a little more than BSB, but I like them both for different reasons. I like the BSB because they really seem to have grown up in their latest album. My guy friends are not ashamed to listen to Millennium. Besides I am completly in love with Nick (even though I hate the way he sings, I'm weird, I know)and Kevin is one of the hottest things I have ever seen. AJ just oozes sex appeal (even though sometimes he is lude and repulsive, think "Lay Down Beside Me.")Brian has the most beautiful voice in the world, and my best friend wants to have his love child. But then we come to Howie. I have thought long and hard about what I can compare him to and I have come to a conclusion. A Yak. He looks like a muskey, greasy, hairy, Yak. But for some reason I like the way he sounds in "My Heart Stays With You."

Now I will delv into the reason I love 'N Sync (gee, I wonder if it will all fit?)First there's my little cow Joey. I have actually come up with a plan to marry him, you guys want to hear it? Ok, I'll move back to my hometown of Memphis, Tennessee and find out where Justin's dad lives. I'll buy the house across the street and wait for Ju-Ju to come home.I'll buy some trained raccoons and have them reak havoc on Justin's house. Then I'll be the hero when I stop the plague of raccoons. Justin will be so greatful that he'll ask me to come down to Orlando for a week. I'll meet Joey and he'll fall head over heals in love with me. The only problem is that I don't think he'll quit being a slut for any girl, a couple of girls I could deal with (to an extent) but not 25. Wow, that took a while, I'll get back to talking about why I like 'N Sync now. I sing their music at the top of my lungs when I'm driving to town, It just puts me in a good mood. It's like my hyper music, and Millennium is my mellow music. Besides not any member of 'N SYnc is repulsive. I think that they are all hot in their own way (Well, not JC but that's just an oppinion.) To make a long story short, I like 'N Sync because they let me hang onto my youth (Since I turned 18 I have been filled with this growing dread that I have to grow up) and BSB make me a little more mature (If that makes any sense.)
