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Causes we belong to

I'm looking at my index page and it is begining to look way to long (I hate that) so I have decided to make a seprate page of causes (I'll leave my favorite ones on the index page for now since I'm too lazy to go move them.)

Join the 5ive Crusade!

Hey, I (Megan) actually love 5ive. Almost as much as 'N Sync and definatly as much as the BSB.

We all know what Joey lovers Molly and I are. Show him the love he so much deserves.

Proud member of the ATKC: Against The Kevin Conspiracy. Join NOW!

Yeah, Yeah, I know that Kevin is now singing. I just wanted to join the crowd and have this baby somewhere on my site.

Click here to join the T.E.A.

We hate Teenyboppers, so this would be a good thing for us to belong to. To get on this super exclusive list ya gotta e-mail the girl, or ya gotta be really special like us.
