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CMA Review

Yeehaw, did y'all catch them Country Awards? They were darn good. Ya, anyway. Well, first off, let me just say that the host dude was so incredibly NOT funny. And Shania's "people" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I love guys in pink turtle necks...yikes. And those Dixie Chicks, I actually like their music but goodness! They are so...bimbo-ish? Yeah, that's a word! They deserve the award but no microphone time. Ok, onto 'N SANC (yeah, ha).

Well, They were actually dressed normally for an award show, can I get an Amen! Alleluia!!!!! It's about time, too bad they did it for a show that was filled with people who could probably give a....horsey's manuer for them. OK, now, did Justin and that dude frighten y'all like it did me??? I mean, there seemed to be some pent up emotion and desire for each other, especially on the last lines. I sat there laughing thinking they would soon embrace in a hug and kiss, EEK! Hmmm....what else? Oh, Joey's hair is still fucshia. Honey, I just dont know if I can deal with that anymore. It's just too much. Speaking of hair, GO JUSTIN!! I LIKED it, A LOT. The red with the little highlights, somebody clued him in and helped him with his Clairol, thank heaven for that person. What's next? Ahh, as they panned all of the guys, Alabamer, 'NSyncer, Alabamer...etc., then last but not least JC. Well I don't know what happened but the second he popped up my eyes bugged right out of my head. Was it just me or did he look REALLY good?? Maybe it was the fact that he wasn't wearing a turtleneck (thank the Lordy!). I guess he didn't have any hickies to cover up. I dunno, but I just sat there in awe of his beauty. And then they finish, with a little homosexuality, and voila their country fame is done. And then the host dude says something about "Joey JC and Justin were learning how to fish and whoever (Bob? s'not important) from Alabama was getting his nipple pierced. OK! Umm, the writers must not have been informed of the guys "clean cut image." I guess for all they know 'N Sync=Limp Bizkit (nah, they'd probably think Limp Bizkit was a new special at KFC). I'd actually love to see one of the guys in a nipple ring (I bet you know who I'd nominate for that one). Speaking of, JOEY BRING BACK THE EYEBROW RING! Ok, got that out. Well, I guess that's it. They were on for 3 min and I managed to say that much.

Sorry, one more thing. EEW!!! JEWEL!!!! Ok, she sucks, really she does. That woman should not have been let out of Alaska (not that Alaska's bad, Megan!). Woman, go get some damn braces, a sense of humor, and a less annoying voice. And I just have to say, Megan told me a story when she met her and she is not nice! Grr. Ok, I don't know why I said all that, but oh well.
