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College Sucks!!!!!!!!!

So you can all understand my plight of sitting here in the Library contemplating my Writing 131 paper (An Autobiography of my history as a writer)Well right now I'm thinking that I have no history as a writer so how the hell am I supposed to write a paper on it? Now we get to my main point of bitterness, my neighbors. I live between two guys that for some strange reason insist on playing the crappiest music so damn loud that my bed vibrates. #2) My Roommate. Her name is Shirley and thought she seems nice enough (She hords BOP's in her closet like playboys) she listens to Britney Spears on her earphones, the bad thing is that I can still hear her squeel. So I have to turn on Limp Bizkit just to off set "THAT SOUND" (As my mother calls it). #3 Then their's Sandy and Becky across the hall. They have sex constantly (Possibly with each other) and they are very loud about it. #4 Showers! Well you could call them that If you really wanted to. The water's always cold and you have to wait in line because there are only 3 for the whole floor.

Now don't get me wrong there are some good things about college, mainly RYAN!!! God can this guy get any hotter? I really don't think so. He lives with my friend Bart and he completly oozes sex appeal. Besides he took me to dinner at Denny's Monday. Ok, so I'm going to go write my paper now, I'll try to update again soon.

