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Megan's Thoughts

Ok, realizing that it's been a while since I (or anyone for that matter) has updated I decided it was time.

First of all, did anyone see the psycho BSB fan on TRL Friday??? I believe "I'm gonna kill you and I'm gonna kill her too!" Were the words that came spouting out of her Britney Spears wannabe mouth. You know, people like that are what give pop music fans a bad name. The 'N sync chick was cool but the BSB girl looked like the world was going to end. She cried, she threatened bodily harm, and she had a look on her face that was reminicent of a cat that had just been thrown into a swiming pool.

Next, this guy keeps sending random E-Mails to our page. He's a college student from Oregon and he myst think that since I go to school in Oregon that means I'll just drive on over to his house and have mad sex with him. You know, I worry about this guy, he must be really homely.

Just for those of you who care, I started smoking again. I actually quit for 3 whole weeks but this weekend did me in and yesterday I broke down and bought a pack. It's a sad moment for me to realize I don't have the will power I always thought I did.

Ok, that's all I have to say about that, now I have to do some homework because college blows. For those of you not there yet, relish the time spent in high school, it's so much easier.
