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My Sugar Ray, Fast Ball, and Goo-Goo Dolls Concert

I know that this has nothing to do with this page but last night was pretty entertaining so I decided I would review it for all of you.

Fast Ball We got there a little late so we missed some of Fastball, but what I heard was awful. They sounded like hell, and it was still light out so you couldn't see the TV's. Everyone was sitting down (A bad sign for a band) and when they asked for the people who came to see them to stand up only about 1/4 of the crowd did. I'm not a fast ball fan and now I can see why I never liked them.

Sugar Ray
They were awesome, I hate to say it but I thought they were better than ‘N Sync. Ok, not better, just different. Mark McGrath is one of the finest things on two legs and I want him in a bad way.

Goo-Goo Dolls
They were ok. I'm not a big, huge fan of theirs. If you don't love their music that I suggest skipping this one. Their set consisted of a screen with flashing lights. The guitar player looked like a woman with bigger boobs than me, and they dissed on the BSB. Ya wanna know what he said? Well then I'll tell ya, it went something like this, "Last night I had a dream about the Backstreet Boys (The whole crowd boos) They were standing in front of me and I asked them what they wanted. The one with the gay assed mustache said (In a high squeaky fem. voice) "We want to freak you Johnny." So I woke up in a cold sweat, but was finally able to go back to sleep. I then had another dream about the Backstreet Boys and I said, "Y'all aren't going to try to freak me again?" " (Squeaky voice) No were gonna kick your ass" "Why?" "Because you wouldn't let us freak you." Then they start coming at me with some choreographed fighting dance and I just kept screaming "FAG!!!"" He also said something else that was pretty funny, "My girlfriend and I were messing around and she told me to make love to her like Ricky Martin, I asked where her brother was." But other than those two statements the Goo-Goo Dolls were pretty much worthless.
