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NSA Tour 2000

Well well well. These boys certainly know how to put on a damn good show. But lets not start with that....lets begin with the pre-show wait. Well, we got to the Superdome waaay too early b/c the radio stations were going to give away backstage passes, so basically we walked around the damned thing for hours in the deathly New Orleans heat looking at all the 12 year olds trying their best to look older in their tube tops and shirts. Gag me. Anyways, I thought I had scored big when I saved a radio stations tickets blowing away in the wind. But nooo, ungrateful bastards. I save their job and they say "Wow, thanks. Most people wouldn't do that." Gee ya think?? Note to self: Good deeds get you nowhere! Anyways, my luck took a turn for the great. While waiting and waiting for numbers to be called out for BSP, a familiar man rides by on a bike. And you guessed it! It was Mr. Fatone!!! I KNOW!!! That Italian Stallion rode right past me. I just missed him the first time he stopped but then he rode back around and I got to take a picture with him. Yep, STEVE was real nice. HAHA! you thought it was Joey huh. Boy did I fool you!!! Nah. I met Joseph well over a year ago, now I had to meet my future brother in law, you see? Yeeeaaahh...I know I'm a loser. But atleast I didn't ask for an autograph like all the 8 yr olds flocking around the poor guy. Now thats just gay, HE ISNT FAMOUS! I just I have a fascination with family members. I've met Lance's mom, grandma, and aunt and Joey's brother. I really want to meet Chris' mom. She seems like a trip. So, I know y'all are so damn jealous. Ok. So then we finally went in.

Well, The first guy Ron Irizarry was decent. Not really my type of music but he certainly was standable. Plus later he did an autograph signing and although I didn't get his John Hancock, I got a picture. Not too bad of a looker either. So next up was Pink. I really like this chick. I really want her album. I also think she's perfect for Justin, both physically perfect (well, for him almost...) and theyre very good on stage. And they both have the ebonics down pat. Ok, next up was Sisqo. Don't like him, sorry. All he does is wail wail wail. He seriously gave me a headache. He also had way too big of a production for just an opening band. All those gross pleather outfits, spare me. So while he was singing and I wasn't paying attention, I looked down to the florr to see a guy walking buy with his arm draped around a busty girl with a big bodyguard right behind him. I squint and it looks a good deal like Usher. well, later on during the wait for 'N Sync to come on, he comes back and has a trail of little girls trying to mob him. He gets to the special couches on the sound stage platform and gives some waves, and sure enough, its Usher. And he wasn't the only celebrity there, a new found friend of ours said he spotted Little Miss Britney drving a golf cart around backstage. Well hott damn, that girl really likes these New Orleans shows. So that was interesting.

Dun dun dun! It's "N Sync time!! I really don't want to give away too much. I'll start off with saying that this show was orgasmic, an adjective I rarely use. But thats what it was. The dancing was just, ahhhh. And everytime JC belted out that amazing voice of his I was in heaven. But I think the cutest part of the show was during God Must've Spent... They are each on individual little platforms and Lance's wouldn't go up. Poor guy stayed on the ground while the smoke nearly swallowed him. So right when the rest of the guys are coming down, Justin goes "We still love you." It was precious, but you might have had to be there. Anyways, some of the high points were Digital Getdown (whoooo baby! I think only the older fans appreciated that song the most...) and Just Got Paid. The only real complaint was how short the show was. I think they should've done more songs. But it was a great show. Once again, job well done guys.
