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Do the boys make good on all those thrusts they do on stage, or will they leave you wondering, "What the hell was that?"

Ok people, lets go back to reality here. Our little JR is only 18 years old and unless he's a whore or he has a copy of "The Guide To Getting It On" hidden under his pillow, he dosen't know shit. We all know that practice make perfect, and when has he had time to practice?

If you left Lance alone in a room you would probably come back in and find the room set ablaze by all the candles he absentmindedly place too close to the canopy bed with the highly flamable satin sheets. Hey, his heart was in it, but the common sense did not follow.

Yeah, go for Chris if your idea of a good time is the backseat of a Volks Wagon. This boy is strange, hence sex would be strange. I'm sure that at some point you will be asked to stand on your head with a rubber ducky in your mouth and tube socks on your hands.

I bet J.C. is into tough love (A.K.A. whips and chains). Come on, can't you picture him standing over you dressed up in a leather outfit like the guy in "The People Under The Stairs" screaming, "Call me BIG DADDY BITCH!" It's just a thought.

With all the chicks he gets he should be able to deliver something good. But more than likley it will be a nagging case of crabs. Hell, I'd have sex with him, after all, maybe he could get me an in with the rest of the guys.

Got other opinions? E-mail me and I'll post them
