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The Backstreet Boys vs. 'N Sync

Last year when I was a senior in high school I took a class called English 111. It’s college composition and one of our assignments was to write a compare and contrast paper of our choice. This is the paper that I actually turned in.

The Backstreet Boys vs. ‘N Sync

I must say that inspiration for this paper was not free flowing for me. For two days all I did was think about it, rejection every idea that came to mind. That is until yesterday as I was in the process of cleaning my room and my CD player was on shuffle. In divine inspiration the Backstreet Boys came on followed by ‘N Sync. Never being one to tempt fate; they then became the subject of this paper.
First things first, let’s talk about the similarities between these two groups. The most obvious is that they are both made up of five suburban white guys that sing catchy pop songs. Both also have an amazing following of overweight, pre-teen, teenybopper fans. Do all of you girls remember how we were with The New Kids On The Block? Well, they are to the teens today what the New Kids were to us, kind of scary. Did I mention that both groups are based in Orlando? But if you look closer there are also subtler similarities.
Nick Carter meet your twin Justin Timberlake. I know what your saying, “They don’t look a thing alike.” But let’s explore this shall we. As if the awful shade of “Glow In The Dark” hair was not enough, they are also the youngest, and the most popular. Then again Justin must be on steroids, you have all seen Terin’ Up My Heart you know what I am talking about. How many 15-year-old guys have a body naturally like that? Nick’s body, well lets just say it leaves a lot to be desired. They both have huge egos and an uncanny problem with speaking the English language properly.
Now Brian and JC, that is another story. They give the impression of the good catholic choirboys that haunt your mothers dreams of the guy you will bring home for Christmas someday. Then again that squeaky clean image is not fooling us. They are also the best singers in each group, not to mention each has some unfortunate facial features. Brian has nostrils you could drive the Titanic into and JC has really gross teeth, which are in desperate need of caps and some sort of whitening agent. On the other hand JC can dance and Brian lacks any degree of beat or rhythm.
Now as much as I hate it, I guess I can talk about Chris and Howie. The only things that are the same is that they both sing the high parts and they are both old (Well, a lot older than me.) But the big difference is that Howie is really ugly. I’m not talking homely, I’m saying ugly. He’s got nappy hair and is always winking his left eye. Where as Chris is just a cute little guy with strange hair.
As for a comparison between the remaining members there is not much to go on. Lance and Kevin both sing the bass parts, Joey and Kevin never get to sing lead, and AJ and Chris would both scare the heck out of your parents.
But on the groups as a whole there really is not much of a difference. ‘N Sync ranges in age from eighteen to twenty seven and the Backstreet Boys range in age from nineteen to twenty seven, not much of a difference there. Their CD’s both have an equal balance between songs that I like and songs I have to turn off, who could really listen to Hey Mr. DJ and I Need Love without going insane from their Euro-pop beats? They also each have songs with not so subtle sexual themes, If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy) and You Want It, I’ve Got It. Oh yeah, how could I forget they also have songs with the exact same beat, Everybody (Backstreets Back)=I Want You Back. Yet with all of these similarities people still say that there are more substantial differences then dancing ability and the “ugliness” factor. These people are called Teenyboppers, you can pick them out because they have “Mrs. What-Ever Timberlake” and “’N Sync sucks, BSB RULZ!!!!!!!!” written all over their body, my only advice is to run from these people.

Ok, we sent our papers to UAS in Juneau to be graded by a Prof. And at the bottom of the page were supposed to leave room for our grade and any comments they might have, this is what was on my paper:

You made my twelve-year-old daughter yell when she read your paper. For your different view on these boys I must give you an 97%. Than you for enlightening me. Dr. Kerin Michales Ph.D.
