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So Long! Farewell! Humm humm humm humm la laaa!

Well, where do I start? OHHHHHH Megan I love you! I don't love anyone as much as yoooouuuuuu! When I'm not with you I'm blu-Let's just cut that short, shall we? Well as you all know Megan is leaving Bumf*ck Island for Oregon. Sounds great, huh? Well damnit, no such luck. She doesn't have a computer. All I have to say is, her roommate better have a computer or I say mommy gives her a computer for a going away present. If not I will have no fun on my computer anymore. I'll have to annoy Sus every day...I'm very sad. I doubt our dear Sus will enjoy that. Well, since you said goodbye to me, I must say goodbye also. But wait!! "It's not good-bye, it's good night! Right Gilbert?" Oh man, Megan, this has been so great. I love doing this page with you. Sometimes you scare the crap out of me, but most of the time you're a riot. Now I'm gonna have to send you REAL letters. Heaven forbid. Anyways, I'm really sorry guys, but you'll have to put up with only me for a while. And I may not update too much because Megan wont be around to push me around. But I'll try my best. Oh geez, Meg, I'm getting all teary-eyed. I really dont know what to say. OH! Idea!!! Everyone send me some money and we could buy Megan a computer!!!! That sounds GREAT! Well, to lighten the mood, some people wanted to say their farewells, so I put together a lil' sumthin sumthin. EnJOEY, babe! (God that so is corny, I just couldn't resist!)

Joey says "BYE" (NOT eye!) and Justin got a little sad....

And then he cried.....

And cried a little more...

Then he just kinda pouted and waved good-bye.

Joey said he'd call you. That should be interesting....TELL HIM YOU HAVE BIG BOOBS!!!!

JC wasn't too happy when he found out you were going to be gone a little while. He knows you don't like him too much, but he was still upset. He says that just for your sake, he'll try to be less...dorky while youre gone.

I even talked to "that other boyband"

Nicky poo wanted to give you some friends to keep you company. Aww so sweet. (Sorry, blonde bimbo not included)

Kevin gives you his heart to keep with you at all times (I'm not sure if that's good, its not too big).

And thats all I could do. The other guys send there love too! Well, Megan, we'll be anticipating your return, especially me, dawl! Good night, Megan.
