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Cheerleading? What I Think.

Last night I was reminded of a period of my life that I was trying to forget. Those four years of sheer and utter hell that we know as Varsity Cheerleading. My sister (Whom also went through this hell in high school ,and college) and I went to this 4-H cheerleading compition at the county fair last night (Which I have some real issues with, who tought these people how to do stunts? I thought they were going to kill each other.) and I began thinking how long the guys in 'N Sync or The BSB would have stayed together if their rehersals were like cheerlading practis? I bet not long. I have never screamed as much as I did in cheerleading, and I have never come home hating 11 other people more. If you want to know why I did it for 4 years, I'll tell you. Because Cheerleaders are automatically popular (or so we thought). I could have been a nobody, or I could have been a Varsity Cheerleader. Gee, what would you choose? As you can tell this is a very bitter suject for me, for reasons I don't feel like going into. Those reasons probably have very little to do with the actual sport, but I still hate it. I can't even watch the Nationals on ESPN anymore. If anyone out there wants to be a cheerleader then here is my advice to you, "Be the dominate bitch of the squad, or run far and fast!!!!" Ok, I think I have complained about this enough, I'll go back to doing what I do best, making fun of these guys.
