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Stand By Your Man

~*~I found this on a site called Get Down (I'll put a link up as soon as I stop being so damn lazy) and I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever read. I know this is not true but wouldn't it be cool if it was.~*~

New York, NY.- Popstar Britney Spears was involved in a fight Friday night, an apparent victim of her own big mouth. Spears was entering a party her record label, Jive, was throwing and was overheard by several people trashing the members of the Backstreet Boys, who happen to be her label mates. A witness said Spears was repeatedly heard making comments about the groups appearance on her own album. She also complained a great deal about their new album, trashing most of the songs off their third CD, Millennium, which incidentally has been sitting at number one on the Billboard charts for a month. She reportedly made a very offensive remark about one particular track, The Perfect Fan, a song written by Backstreet Boys' Brian Littrell about his mother. Spears called the song "Crap" and continued bashing it even as Littrell, who was arriving at the party himself, passed. Witnesses overheard Littrell saying he was going to ignore her, apparently the same didn't go for his guest. Leighanne Wallace, Littrell's girlfriend of several years confronted Spears about her comments and they got into a heated argument. Spears tried to attack Wallace without any success before Wallace swung out at Spears, sending her crashing down on the gravel below knocking her out cold. Littrell took his girlfriend by the hand and pulled her away from Spears into the building. Wallace, as she entered the party, was overheard yelling at Spears "Want to be hit one more time!" a clever reference to Spears hit song "baby one more time" After Spears was revived, she left the party with no comments. No lawsuit is pending as of yet. This reporter thinks she got was she deserved.