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At The Club's With 'N Sync

WOO HOO, Molly and I had an awesome 'N Sync experience. I'll tell ya about it.
I picked Molly at the airport in Birmingham, Alabama (She cant drive you see.) She was king of hard to miss, she was the one with bright red hair, and a huge mHe necklace the size of her head. We went to Long John Silvers but the guy behind the counter looked a little too much like Howie D. so we went to Sonic for some of those healthy Frito Chili Pies. We checked into our motel, showered and changed for the concert. Molly decided on a pair of hot pants 4 sizes to small for her, a baby tee with "Italians Do It Best" on the front and "Prove It Joey!" written on the back, and platform tennis shoes with the american flag drawn on them in magic marker. I chose a hot pink tube top but decided it looked better as a skirt, a baby blue halter top (midriff showing of course) and black combat boots. We head off to the concert about 5 hours early and brag to the 12 year olds that we know 'N Sync and that we are both dating Joey and Justin. We escape the crowd with a few bumps and bruses while the riot control police tell the teenys that we were just kidding. They let us in and we made our way to our 2nd row seats. We got out our signs "Joey, I want my child support payments!!!" on the front, and "I Love Ruben!" on the back and "Nick's Hotter!" on the front, and "The Band Sucks Without Dax!"on the back. 3rd Storee came out and we threw Molly's shoes at them, knocking one unconsious. We then his behind the fat teeny behind us as security scoured the audience for the shoe throwing culprit. After we blamed it on the 5 year old boy behind us we sat patiently for Shanice to take the stage. We got so excited that we were the only one that knew the song that Molly broke out into the Vanilla Ice dance. She went off and Jordan (LUV2LUV2LUVYA) Knight came on. At the mere sight of him Molly starts taking off her clothes and climbing the stage, I hold her back with all my might but before I know it Jordan has seen her half naked body and falls off the stage into the front row. We then have to wait 2 hours for the paramedics to come and get Jordan and for 'N Sync to take the stage. To keep busy I fight with Jordan over Mollys hot pants he has clutched to his groin area. 'N Sync takes the stage and Joey recognises Molly and tucks his necklace into his shirt, recalling their last meeting. They put on a good show and Justin comes and takes the one dollar bills we are waving with his mouth and puts them in the waist band of his pants. I hit Lance in the head with my dog Lances favorite bone (I thought he would like it.) The show ends and the security guard comes up and tells us that the boys saw us in the crowd and wants to party with us. We go back to the Motel and chance for an evening of club hopping. I choose my prom dress from my freshman year (A beautiful pink number.) Molly chooses White shorty shorts with "Super Bitch" written on the back, a black thong, and a red bra. We covered ourselves in body glitter and made our way to "Mondo ChaCha's" in downtown Burmingham. The boys hadn't gotten to the club yet so we made ourselves comfortable at the bar and ordered a couple of Dr. McArthure's on the rocks (So our breath was minty fresh.) The boys got to the club and made their way to the bar. JC hands Molly back her baby tee, surprise surprise it's got Joey's phone number on it and the words, "Call me and find out." written on it. Justin recignises molly as the friend of the girl that tried to rape him and runs behind JC crying. The "Funkey Chicken" comes on and Lance grabs my hand to pull me onto the floor. The song finaly ends but he keeps screaming "Play it again, Play it again!! That's my favorite song." So I go back to the bar to find Molly, but she's nowhere to be found. After about 5 min. of searching I discover that Joey is gone as well, knowing that she is in very capable hands I go off to find some trouble for myself. I see Justin dancing with a girl that looks remarkably like Brit in the middle of the floor. I dance my way over to her and whisper "I think your implants popped" in her ear. With a shriek she runs to the bathroom, catching her extensions on a coat rack and pulling them out. I then begin to dance the Running Man as J breaks into the Roger Rabbit. I notice that Justin has an half empty case of Colt 45 under his arm, a prostitute strapped to his back, and lipstick over his pants zipper. He tells me that he wants the big girl fun that Britney just cant give him. We find a closed door and try to open it, bearly able to keep our hands off one another. The door seems to be locked so Justin head butts it down. To our surprise there is Joey covered in Strawberry Jello, and Malted milk Balls wearing Mollys "Super Bitch" shorts and a glow in the dark dog collar. As this room was already taken we move to the next door, only to find JC and Lance having a "Conversation." So we decide to do it Brit style and just stay in the middle of the dance floor. Chris then climbs onto a huge speaker and jumps, hoping to go crowd surfing but lands on us instead. This ends our evening with 'N Sync since Justin and Chris had to go to the hospital. I went and found Molly and we went back to our motel. Oh Yeah, Joey, Molly's mailing your clothes back to you.

~*~ok, after some major griping and moaning about this, I'm gonna explain what this wonderful piece of FICTION is. Molly and I were tired of all the After party encounters, where the boys got drunk, and got it on with a few girls. Now we both are aware of exactly goes on at after parties, from friends who have been, and some of these stories are true. But I was sent an encounter the other day that was so untrue. I choose not to post it because it's crap, and completly made up. If you take any of the story above as true then you are in some serious need of Teenybopper Annomous.~*~
