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Woah BABY!

This is my shrine to Joey. I have one in my room and now I have one on here--yay! Now, here's a warning for ya, these are yummy, so you may get very Joey hungry. OK, you might not, but I sure will.

Ahh, the wonders of black in white. I LOVE this picture and I'm not really sure why.

This is the picture that used to accompany me in my wallet where ever I went. But that's only because it fit perfectly over my permit picture...OK and because he looks great in it.

You love ME, Joey?? Aww, thanks!!

Ok, I'm sure most of you have seen this EXTREMELY fine ass picture. They sold it at the last tour and I coughed up 5 big ole smackers for this picture. And it was damn well worth it. This picture is on my mirror cuz frankly, I rather I'd rather look at Joey than me.

This one's just cute. Nothing special.

Ahh, the first vision of Joey I ever had. He reminds me of the dude from Cypress Hill, I think thats who I mean...anyways, I like this look for some reason.

Such a cute picture, don't you think? Good angle.

Well hot diggity DAMN, JOSEPH!