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Oh my!

I needed to find a femme picture of Lance to fit this news...Lance fans, this isn't good news. And it surely isn't a lie (at least on my part). I personally thought it was humorous, though, but you may not. Ok, I'll stop blabbering and tell you what's up.

All righty, my mom just got home from the grocery and she asked me how old Lance was. Well I told her he was 20 and she just preceded to tell me how on the radio they said someone saw him in a bar. No biggy, right? Now get this, WITH A GUY! I'm not sure if they said anything else, if ya know what i mean, because like I said, my mom heard it. So I start crakcing up laughing, I was dying. And I kept on asking her what else they said and the dunce that my mom is didn't know anything else. She only knew that he was in a bar here in New Orleans with a guy and someone in this city has pictures. I've been trying to listen to some radio stations to get some more info, but no such luck (my mom doesnt even know what station it was--UGH!). Well if anyone lives around here in New Orleans and either saw it with their OWN eyes, or heard it on the radio with their OWN ears, please email me. And people, if you don't believe me, bite me, really. I mean first of all, my mom wouldn't make this up. And secondly, if you asked anyone if they thought one of the guys were gay, they'd say Lance. My mom did, my two brothers did and hell, even I have said it. So don't get your panties in a bind. But the radio did say for all the girlies who like him to find a new fave (but if you're a guy its all good--lol). Oh, and just to add this in, there's nothing wrong with being gay, I don't want anyone mad at me.
