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The Great Plan, That Foiled

~*~Dear sweet Jesus in heaven, just look at him. Words cannot describe what I am feeling right now.~*~

Ok, so here was my plan to get over my Nick Carter infatuation. I was going to watch all of my tapes of the BSB and critique Nick, finding all of his flaws. Well, things were going good. I laughed my ass at Homecoming: Live In Orlando, and the Disney Concert, and just stared in utter repulsion at his bad acting skills in I'll Never Break Your Heart. But then came the downfall, Backstreet Boys Live You know, the two hour special they had on MTV right before they released Millennium. Well as I watched Nick in this I began to quickly digress back in to my infatuation. But you know what? I am begining to come to terms with it. So for all of you older Nick lovers out there stand tall and proud. Defend your little Nicky Poo to the end. And if you need any help in doing so just show people these pictures, because they are the best of Nick I have ever found.

Ok, so he's got a shitty teams jersey on, he still looks damn hot.

Black and White is so flatering, don't you think?
