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Would it Work Out?

These are reasons that I can and can't date the guys in 'N Sync.
Molly's comments have been added in yeller.

The reason I can't date Justin? I ask myself that everyday. This boy drives a car I would eat a box of pilot pens for **Blue or black?? What about BIC's??**, he's beautiful, we're from the same city **YEEESS!! It's a sign!!** , and he is RICH!!!!! Wait! I just thought of something, our children would have the curliest hair in the world **good excuse** . That's it, that's why I can't have Justin. Well that and the fact that I don't want Britney Spears' sloppy seconds, but I'm sure we will get into her a little later on. **we will??**
Ok, now the reason I wouldn't be able to date Justin, his ego would get in the way. That and Brit Brit. 'Nuff said. Oh yeah, and call me crazy, but I don't find him as hot as rest of the world. I know, you're shocked, but hey, to each her own.

I can tell you right now that JC and I would not work out. How about we start with the reasons that he would not like me. **That's rediculous! Who wouldn't like you??** He likes blonds, and I have not been blond for a few months **wow, it's been a while!** , and who knows when I'll get the urge to dye my hair again and what color it will turn out. I don't have any silicon on my body **Damn!** (Unlike Brit, I don't need it). And I bet this metal bar I have shoved through my tongue **"If a girl has a pierced toungue she'll probably suck your di...** would scare him, the good spiritual *cough* Bullshit*cough* church goer he is. And his constant bitching and nagging would get on my nerves, not to mention his 8:30 pm bed time. But then again he does play the piano, and I seem to have a thing for that, but other that that, he's got nothing I want.
Ok, I like JC. I admire him. How often do you see someone love their job so much and put so much feeling into it? Anyways, JC might not like me too much either...I know! It IS hard to believe! But I'm to high strung for him. Oh well.

Let's see, he's hot, and he has the perfect amount of southern accent, you know, not too country. He also sings the way sexy bass parts. **And there's sooo many!! Then again I've been to Mississippi and I don't really care to go back. **Try living next to it. In fact, I live in "Mississippi without hills"** Horses scare me **neigh**, and I can't stand the name Toby **TOBY TOBY TOBY TOBY TOBY!!**, so what would we have to talk about?**Maybe the guys you've met that week??** Besides Danelle has had her tubby little hands all over him **Not no more!**, forget about brit's sloppy seconds, I don't want her's. I might catch her weight problem. **Ouch, that was harsh**(whoa, that was kind of mean, oh well, the truth hurts.)
Well, yes, he is hot. But now he could be gay so that wouldn't really work out...And even if he wasn't, he's too sensitive for me. I like my guys funny and obnoxious and a little mean (I know, I'm weird)

First of all, Chris is way too old for me, I think my mother would have a heart attack if I brought home some guy 9 years older than me **And then maybe try to steal him...** . And that constant Sega playing would kill me**So Nintendo is OK?** . How can guys like that so much? But he was my inital favorite and I will always love him. He seems alot like me, I bet we could entertain ourselves for hours in K B Toys, and I am sure life would be anything but boring.
Chris be coo. I also think he's a tad too old for me (only 11 years!). But he'd be a great older brother. "Hey Chris, let's go to Chuck E. Cheese!" and he'd say "Hot damn, grab the car keys and my left over tickets from last week!" Sorry, did I scare y'all? I scared myself.

Where do I start? I bet Joey would be a blast to date. If i could get my grubby little hands in Joey **UMM! IN??? I think Joey would rather get his hands in you...but oh, umm nevermind** I would be the happiest girl alive **Yeah yeah yeah! I'm gonna pee in my pants!!** , not only because he's hot, but because he has some very cow **moo** like qualites that I find totally cute, I Love You Joey!!!!! **I'm sure he loves you too, Megan...** I would not go out with Joey beause.....**yes?**......I'm thinking.....**we're waiting**.....well............Gee.........his feet? **DOH!** You know what, I actually can't think of a reason that I would not go out with my little **BIG** super man. I bet he's one of those people that you have to meet to find something wrong with.
If Joey was a one woman guy he'd be perfect, in my eyes. Can I get an Amen? Amen!
