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Good news and bad news, Megan...

Well, Meggy, I told Chris about your new found lust for him....

and he was SHOCKED! He was so happy that you had FINALLY noticed how gosh darn cute he is. I mean he had tried everything....

He thought the black and white dreads would attract you because they were so different...

then when he figured that wasn't working he tried the all brown dreads. But still no Megan lovin'....

He was SO MAD!! So he tried one last thing...

NORMAL HAIR!!! And you liked!!! Boy was he happy, he thought he was the coolest person in the world! But there's just one small problem....

Her name is Dani. And Her and Chris are pretty serious. She's really pretty and she's got know. And another problem is Joey was so upset he wasn't your favorite anymore he got a new person to indulge his thoughts in.....

and he's VERY happy. So now you're all alone! Sorry. But MAYBE Chris and Dani will break up one can only hope. But I actually hope he marries the chick...he's getting kinda up there. Maybe Lance is free? And ya know, I will always love you (even though its not the kind of love you want).
