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My In Debth Thoughts on Every Facet of MILLENNIUM

Album Cover

1) Look at Brian's shoes. They look like something my grandfather gave to the Good Will.
2)Nick looks like my dad in that big white lab coat (ewww, nasty)
3)Nick looks damn good sitting in that water. Actually, I don't think I have ever seen him look quite so good. You go boy, sit in water all the time.
4)What exactly is Kevin's element? Light? Black leather? What?
5)Ok, I love the picture in the middle of the booklet. Where their all in Kacki, Nick just looks so good (I know, I'm sick. I just want him so bad.)
6) Ok, look at the picture on the 16th page (The one where their all in white and running to the camera)Look at Brian and Kevin, they look like they just hit a cat.
7)Same picture as above, Nick is wearing the same ugly grandpa shoes as Brian. Buy your own damn shoes guys don't trade.


NICK CARTER:I like Nick's thank yous. He was very origional, and I like that. It was confusing the first time I read it but after the 5th or 6th run through It made some strange kind of sense. For all of you who don't know his little secret code means, "Live life to the fullest, for the future is sacred."

HOWARD "HOWIE D." DOROUGH: Ok buddy, those of us that passes American Lit know what a millennium is, you don't have to tell us. He talks about his sis caroline and dedicates the album to her. But then he has to go and ruin my new found respect for him by ending with, "Hugs, Kisses, & Cookies-Howie D." How freaking gay is that?

BRIAN "B-ROK" LITTRELL: So Brian quotes the bible, too bad he lives with his peroxide and silicon girlfriend. "all as well", what the hell is that supposed to mean?

ALEXANDER JAMES "A.J." MCLEAN:Ok, now being an AJ fan it is in my nature to hate Amanda. It's only natural. But after reading his thankyous I now have no problem with her. He wrote about her so poeticaly, and I only hope I can find a guy like that someday.

KEVIN RICHARDSON: Kev really dosen't say anything spectacular but he does call all the guys his, "little brothers" and ends with "see ya soon, Kev" is that a promise Kevy-Kev?


LARGER THAN LIFE: Words cannot describe how much I hate this song. I don't do well with people screaming. But I would like Brian to "thank me in a different way." Yee Haw.

I WANT IT THAT WAY: Is anyone else out there stumped at the meaning of this song. I get what they are trying to say but did they have to pick the most confusing was to say it? Other than that I like this song.

SHOW ME THE MEANING OF BEING LONELY: Beautiful song. Listening to this song has helped me a great deal with the loss of a friend. kevin sings great in it (For once, i really don't like his voice.) But Nick is at the height if whining.

IT'S GOTTA BE YOU:If I hear the begining of this song one more time I am going to scream. I hate this song too (can you tell I am partial to the slow jams?)This song gets on my nerves and it is why this CD only rates an 8 on my scale.

I NEED YOU TONIGHT:Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. The things you do to me. I like this version much better than the live one. Nick dosen't get to showboat as much.

DON'T WANT YOU BACK: Gee, lets see. I want you back = I don't want you back. Now I like this song. it makes me laugh, but that's all I can give it.

DON'T WANNA LOOSE YOU NOW:Another sad sappy song, I'm about tired of these.

THE ONE: At first I hated this song, but now I like the chorus. That "there you are, wild and free." part gets me every time.

BACK TO YOUR HEART: Congradulations private Richardson. I think we've finally found something your good at (For those of you who have never seen Full Metal Jacket you won't understand.) Kev wrote this song and it's good. He has definatly found his calling.

SPANISH EYES: I hate this song, my sis loves it. I do think it's funny that the one with the screwed up eyes is singing this song.

NO ONE ELSE COMES CLOSE: I love *repete* love this song. And the scary thing is that I don't know why. Big ups to you boys for singing this one.

THE PERFECT FAN: Whoop De Doop, an I love you mommy song. So i'm not really touched by this one, so sue me.

*Where the hell is That's What She Said I want that song. Brian said it would be on this album but where is it.
