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Miss Teen USA

This may be a tad confusing b/c random thoughts will be thrown in here and there (go figure--I'm queen of random thoughts)

Ok, first things first, Louisiana should've won. Sure, Delaware was peepy and sweet, but her dress, eew! Sorry, I was pulling for La, even though I knew she wouldn't win, oh well. If Delaware dies, La gets it (knock on wood)!! Ok, that was uncalled for, moving on. OH MY GOODNESS!! Joey, what are you thinking?? Lordy, I accepted the brown with the red, the bright red and even the carrot orange, but FLOURESCENT PINK??? Hello?? I hope you lost a bet. You matched Britney's shirt perfctly...shudder. I'm guessing that you didn't pick up chicks at this one either. You're lucky I'm an understanding girl, otherwise, it would be OVER! Oh never started huh? That could be a problem. And Lancey Lance, nice pants...I think my GRANDMA has a pair just like it. The bathing suits these chicks wore were ugly, I thought. And the guys' eyes were lingering a bit too long. Guys, be careful! You don't want to be caught sporting the wood AGAIN. How many times have you been carrying bananas in those pockets of yours?? Oh, here's another random thought, don't go to Shreveport. There's nothing there. They promote 2 cities together and it STILL sucks. Anyways, well Yippee! Chris got rid of the sparklies! Yeehaw. Ok, now on to "I Drive Myself Crazy." Good golly, Miss Molly! I LOVE guys in suits, especially black ones. Good move wardrobe people, I applaud you (for once!). If I were one of those girls I'd screw the competition and jump one of those guys, bad hair and all. Ok, 90% of those dresses were UGGGGGLEY! Eew, ok, they were just...tacky. Well theyre singing it and after Chris and Justin both sing their parts (and messed up a few times) twice, JC FINALLY belts it all out. You go, boy! Woohoo, I love the emotion he puts into that. Stand up! Wave your arms! Just sing, baby! Oh and one more thing, Maryland, they said evening gown, NOT wedding dress, thank you.
