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Molly, We Love You

Molly, can't you see that we love you. We want you to come to our concert, scream like a twelve year old, and cry as you sing along to Until You Loved Me. Can't you see the pain in our eyes. When you make fun of us it hurts us, we want your love. Those remarks you made about us and Handon hurt us deeply. Megan came to one of our concerts, why can't you? You don't even have to pay for it. Afterwards you can go to Clair's and get a poster with us on it and hang it over your bed and pray that the scotch tape gives out. Dosen't that sound like fun to you? It sounds great to us. We just want you to give us a chance, you might learn to love us. We'll just sing a schimple schong and you'll see what you have been missing.
Clint, Bob, Dave, and Scott
