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Well, I must have been busy this weekend because I didn't catch any BSB commercials on MTV and they usually play the same damn commercials twice a break. So, my point being, I was flipping through the channels when I got home from work yesterday and I see Limp Bizkit's video and "Kevin's Pick" in the corner, and I say "WTF?" So then the video ends and blam, I nearly chocked on my dinner, there stand the infamous BSB. I seriously busted out laughing. It looked like all of them had walked into Fantatic Sams with blindfolds on (no offense to any Fantastic Sam customers or employees...). And just like Megan said, I thought "I have to same haircut as Howie!!" Only mine's thicker. And if there's one thing I can't stand on a guy, it's long hair. And Kevin looked like he had been wearing a helmet, I wanted to push it out of face so bad.

Ok, on to Making of the Video. Man oh man, what's wrong with them?? Must they make EVERY video soooo friggin boring and the same concept?? 80% of there videos are cheese that go along with their cheese songs. And let me say, what a cheesy song it is. It sounds like all the crap from their first album, and I stress crap. I don't know why it annoys me so much. Anyways, there was ONE funny thing in that show. When they were bashing each other one of them turns to Howie and goes "You haven't done that wink thing anymore" and Howie starts to do it, I pissed on myself. So anyways, like stated before by Meg, BSB have sunk to an all new low. Oye.
