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My Day With 'N Sync

Being the completely daft person that I am I thought that the concert was on the 5th of August, But it was actually on the 2nd. My buddy Vince called at 7:00 am to tell me he would be at my house in an hour. I was like, "What for?"
"To go to Indianapolis, were going to a concert there remember."
"That's not today, that's the 5th, today is the 2nd."
"No, it's today. Be ready to go by the time I get there."

So at this point I begin to panic, I think I said, "What the hell am I going to wear?!?!?!?" 800 times. I decided on jeans, a light purple shirt, white shoes, and my tech vest. I must say that I looked pretty cool (And completely clothed, unlike most of the other girls in the crowd.) He came and got me and we drove to Indianapolis. Around 10:00 am we walked into the Deer Creek Amphitheater, and there they were. They were standing on the stage doing a sound check, here's a rundown on what they were wearing.
A black and white FuBu jersey, jeans and nikes (Pretty un impressive)
A superman shirt ( of course, but this one was kind of cool, it was kind of 3D), and jeans.
He looked like Abercrombie and Fitch blew up and he was in the middle of it all.
: A white t-shirt and kacki's
A baby blue shirt over a black wifebeater and kacki's (Boy did he look great)

We watched them from some seats that were about in the middle of the ground floor until they were done. Chris was the first to see us and he screamed, "Look!!!! Vinnie has a girlfriend!! Lets give him a hard time about it." We got up and sort of met the guys half way. Vince introduced me to all of them, (Golly gee they are hot!!!!) They said that they were hungry so we all went back to the backstage where there were all these tables with food set up. As we were all eating Justin comes and sits by me and says, "So are you the one I talked to one the phone? Do you belive it's really me now?"
"I guess I have no choice, you seem real to me."
"So where are you from in Memphis?"
"I lived in Primrose Cove. It's kind of by the Oak Court Mall."
"Really, my dad lives around there."
"Well color me happy, we have something in common. Imagine that."

He then tells me that they are going to Memphis on Sept. 1st, and that he could get me some tickets if I wanted. I told him I would not be anywhere near Memphis until next spring, and he said that was too bad. I can't belive I actually said this but I did it for you Molly, I said, "Do you remember this girl in New Orleans that gave you a hug, but then said that she did not want to let you go?"
"I get a lot of those for some reason, what did she look like?"
I have no idea, she's the co-editor of my webpage. I've never met her."
"What's your page about?"
"You guys."
"Aren't you a little old to have a fan page for us?"
"It's not really a fan page, it's a humor page."
"Really, so your one of the people that thinks I'm having an affair with JC, and that Lance is gay. I never thought I would actually meet one of you. What's your page called? Maybe I've been there."
"Like I'm going to tell you, then I can't make fun of you anymore. You did sign my guest book though, there were a lot of Yo's and Wat's up widdat's. I assumed it wasn't you. You guys look at humor pages?"
"Sometimes, most of the time it's pretty funny."
"So what's the deal with you and Britney Spears?"
"Were really good friends, I've known her for a long time."
"Molly says you were with her in New Orleans when she was having surgery, and when she was buying a car."
"Does Molly spy on me?"
"She's just an informed girl. So there's nothing going on between you and brit?"
"No, she's just a friend."
"So do you have a girlfriend?"
"I could tell ya but then I'd have to kill ya. What about you?"
"Why have one when you can have them all? Besides boyfriends are over rated."

At this point Vince and I went shopping (were champions at it, we can spend money like nobodys business) and the guys went to do some promo stuff. We came back about two hours before they were supposed to go on and met up with my sister and these two other guys (One had just come from France the day before and had absolutly no Idea who 'N Sync was, he was a riot.) The guys were getting changed and we sat in this huge room with a pool table. These guys take longer to get ready than I ever could. They showed back up with cameras, (I forgot mine dammit) and we took about 800 pictures. I gave Chris my address and he said he would mail them to me when they got developed. Joey and I then had a conversation about his deal with superman, it went something like this,
"Why do you like superman so much? Aren't you like 22."
"Well, don't you have something you like enough to get it tattooed on you?"
"Well sure, but you don't see me wearing dragonflies all the time. I like them in moderation."
"Well, I like Superman in moderation."
"Yeah, that's why you were wearing a superman shirt and are now wearing a superman necklace the size of my head, I think you need to go back to school and learn the meaning of moderation."
"Gee, aren't you feisty. Justin tells me you have a humor page about us, is that true?"
"Yeah, I just started it though, there's not much on it."
"I'll have to check it out sometime."
"Sure, if you can find it. And even if you did you would not know it was mine."

We talked for a little more, then he got up to get a coke and JC sat down. With this question burning in my mind I asked, "Why is your album going to be called No Strings Attached?"
"Because it's a free album. It's more us and less computer."
"So is it like The Backstreet Boys new one?"
"I can't believe you just said that."
"Why not, they've made a good album. It appeals to everyone, not just teenyboppers. If I were you I would be proud to say that they sounded similar."
"Well, it's more live music. So I guess you could say that we have gone in the same direction, we just took different roads."
"So do you guys and the BSB get along?"
"We never see each other. I suppose we are in compition in some way, but I think we respect each other in some form or another. Are you going to buy the album when it comes out?"
"Yeah, I'll be first in line."

We then all get up and go to our seats while the opening acts were coming going off (I don't even know who they were). Jordan came on and gave a great show, I now remember why I said he was going to be the father of my children when I was a kid.

‘N Sync came on and gave a pretty cool show. It was pretty much like all the reviews I've read. There were these fat teenyboppers behind us and they were bitching because we were in the front. One of them said, "I don't see how they got those tickets, They are to old to even like ‘N Sync, and that one dosen't even speak english." So then Vince turns around and says, "We got these tickets by having an orgy with the group. They like it like that." Well, then I thought she was going to start crying but not before she added one more thing, "No, your a liar!!!!! My Justin would not do that, he loves me!" We all had a good laugh at that and turned around. When the show ended we went backstage again, so that we could say bye.

They all gave me hugs and lance kissed me on the cheek. They then got on the bus to go to Nashville, or St. Louis, something like that, and we went home.

So as you can see, my view of ‘N Sync will be warped for a while. To me they seemed like nice normal guys. But for some strange reason I don't seem to like them as much as I did yesterday, they are just guys now. I saw no whores for Joey, Britney was nowhere to bee seen, JC did not yawn once, Lance didn't mention Mississippi once, and Justin spoke in proper English. But Chris is just how everyone says he is, he cracks jokes constantly, makes fun of the other guys, and just behaves in an all around crazy manner. There was no after party (Well, not for them, for's another story all together. Come on people, were college students, what do you expect?)But I did happen to swipe something for Sus, here Ya go girl.
