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Megan, I give you Nick Carter

Well, I thought I'd be really nice to Megan and our BSB fans since we've kinda neglected them. So, Megan, I crossed enemy lines and went to a BSB teeny bopper sight (Lord help me) just for you. You know I don't really approve of your love for Nick, but I put together some actually semi good pictures of the boy (it was very hard, by the way!). But of course, you couldn't get away without my little inputs, sorry. So enjoy, girlfriend!~*~Well girl, thanks a bunch for this one. I can tell it was very hard for you to cross over to a BSB fan page. And by the way, I don't approve of my love for Nick either.~*~

Awww, he looks so innocent! Cha, right!

Shnazzy. He's saying "You bestill my heart, Megan!"

Well he obviously thinks he's the shizit in this picture. Uh huh, buddy, keep on thinkin that!

He looks a little chub in this one, but still kinda good.

The wonders of black and white have done it again! He looks like an asshole, yet he looks good....

Well hello, Mr. Yumminess! Molly likes!!

Ok, enough of that, let's show his true dorky side...

This is...umm interesting...HEY WATCH OUT! Kevin's gonna git you boy!

Um, yeah, that's cute...dork...
Ok, Megan's scary update picture now resides here because, frankly I cant look at it anymore. Sorry Megan!

